how much work [man hours] is it going to take to upgrade from d7 to d7.2, and how about all modes that are out there for d7 [we have over 33 installed], with thousands of dollars spent.

This is not a high school project and you guys got to figure out how to manage these upgrade so they will be backward compatible . We are already having second thoughts about even getting involved with boonex platform. We have over half million per quarter advertising budget, and cant even spend it since we have see more not been able to get your platform work the way it should.

in short you are NOT managing or Running this software development in a professional manner, and creating a great deal of financial liability for yourselves.

you have been warned. What is this deal about servers going down or licenses not working. Is it aprils fools day already, or we just dont know what we are doing?

Any thoughts, or bright ideas about this situation?

today, we bought four d7, modes, during install , got a message that it is not compatible with d7. WHY should it be this way. Also what is the deal with the "SOUND", in proper English, it is called "MUSIC". Atleast pay attention to the proper language. We had to spend a lot of time editing the Lang files to take care of this and change [sound] to [music]. And any time a mode was installed, same thing happened, all the [music] setting [about us], [privacy],..etc, reverted back to boonex default values. Hopefully, we have figured out how to take care of that. Too bad these four modes we got today were not compatible, atleast we would have got an answer about our solution.

So what is next, your Majesty?
Andrew Boon
If have to be sarcastic, educate yourself first. Dolphin 7 is backwards-compatible as much as any open-source web-software may be. We provide version-to-version upgrade script and you can use merging software to see the diff.

There is no way, with any software to provide automatic upgrades to modified installation with 100% success rate. It is responsibility of 3rd party modules developers to either upgrade their mods or make them independent of updates. Check out Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, whatever see more and you will see how all 3rd party extensions display version compatibility.

As for the language:

sound 1 |sound|
vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear

Can see no problem using this word. Especially when you consider that in some cases it may not be music actually, but voice recordings or audiobooks, etc.

I also can't see how we are creating financial liability for ourselves with our software? it has always been exactly the opposite, fortunately.
Andrew Boon
With your 33 mods - talk to their providers and ask for version upgrades, if needed. That's how it ALWAYS works with any web software. It is also recommended to stick to reputable providers that update their mods regularly.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.