Nice, not sure about the vertical side menu i used that back in the days. Maybe an option to use horizontal menu ??.... Maybe the vertical menu is a good idea time will tell after some demo's are out.
Andrew Boon
Yes, time will tell. Generally I would prefer horizontal, and that what we do in Dolphin U, but with multiple levels like in Dolphin PRO there's no good horizontal solution that would display well on small screens. Vertical has been adopted by, say, Google Plus, Facebook and most other social sites as well. I believe that's because of how many items they need to display, making it hard to use horizontal. Google search, however, only shows a few items and horizontal menu.
houstonlively Have you tried ??


Bacon ipsum dolor amet turkey ribeye beef, pork belly bresaola sausage tenderloin venison chicken pig brisket picanha meatball shoulder tail. Brisket corned beef bresaola pastrami frankfurter tri-tip ham t-bone. Andouille biltong porchetta turkey. Meatloaf cow strip steak brisket salami tri-tip.

Tenderloin tail pork belly, short loin bacon pork tri-tip swine. Shank sirloin brisket salami, rump pig strip steak cow pork see more chop shankle flank pancetta jerky bresaola corned beef. Turkey ground round beef, pig pork fatback drumstick salami bresaola tenderloin pancetta. Beef ribs swine cupim strip steak boudin kielbasa. Drumstick pig pork belly, ground round brisket turducken swine sausage rump hamburger pork prosciutto jowl shankle leberkas.

Doner shoulder pastrami cow, salami t-bone beef chicken. Salami flank pork belly doner strip steak, sausage turkey. Pork loin short ribs ball tip drumstick. Ham hock alcatra shank bacon. Filet mignon prosciutto pork chop andouille hamburger.

Tri-tip sausage fatback landjaeger boudin spare ribs. Ball tip turkey landjaeger shank pork chop leberkas pig. Shoulder tenderloin sirloin meatloaf, sausage tongue pig pork chop picanha landjaeger short loin turkey turducken. Tail kevin meatball short ribs chicken leberkas pastrami boudin bresaola shankle bacon. Ribeye bacon t-bone doner tail biltong jerky shank.
Vertical menus work fine on mobile phones or touch screens. For desktops without a touch screen, vertical menus suck. One of the reasons I still believe mobile phones should be presented an entirely different template. What we see on the screen should adapt to mobile phones....not be controlled by them.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.