I really like this new blog. I have had a couple problems sometimes getting a java error when I click on some of the reply to a specific poster for some reason. Does not happen with all the posers. Kind of strange.
But one thing I think would be a cool feature to add to this blog is you could sort by thumbs up or thumbs down and/or even possibly the number of thumbs up and downs.
That way you can very quickly look at the areas people are agreeing with or not as we all know how precious time is. see more
Maybe he is referring to my comment above and Dwain. If when you start an online site you buy the most common typos, miss spelling and .net, .biz and others while the creeps of the world have less chance of smudging off you his site would also then have many points of presence.
A lot of experienced webmasters do this.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.