
Hang in there man. The things that have happened to me over the years you would just not imagine. Wait until you put a site above the 100K Alexa rankings mark. These cleaver little leaches get even smarter. They know who has traffic and who does not and in your case who has future potential.
I personally still stand by changing your name while it’s early or find away to legally take the name they snatched. That way the little puck a_s leach gets nothing but an expense of buying what see more will then be a useless domain name.

I think your creative enough to come up with a name similar or even different. Not going to spell them all out here as we all know MR. Leach will get those too. Got to remember while there is a lot of people here that may know you now and what the difference is. As your site grows and the newbie’s are consistently flocking to this site and possibly others in time you’re not going to want to constantly explain the “S” to everyone.

You caught this early enough and that is a good thing because most people do not and that is why they are stuck with it for the long haul.

The net is full of leaches my friend and am sorry to say this leach is probably among us.

But the good news is this guy also recognized your future success so take it as flattery and build your vision man!

You go boy…………….!

Make a business decision now and not an emotional one. The cool thing about having talent is that people always copy you or find a way to leach off you. The cooler thing about having talent is that they have to try and keep up with you…:-)

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.