You're missing the point of Unity I assume?

Promote Your Community
Collaborate With Webmasters
Connect With New People

That is a small part of the Description of Boonex Unity! It is a Blog Section of, and is designed to allow people to talk to one another about site issues, trading of help/scripts, promote ADDONS for Dolphin etc. Yes I understand people are posting ads/blogs trying to sell Computer parts and Memory and that is pretty annoying but if it is regarding Dolphin/Boonex see more then who cares. If I post something on here about Dolphin or if I post it on's Forum it makes no difference. They both are places to get in contact with people who know how to help. If Boonex didn't want us to have a place to BLOG or Seek assistance they wouldnt have set up Unity.
it makes no difference huh? wow whos the fool here?
tell me again, just who's the fool if you have to look up 1 question on, or the same question on 1000 personal blogs here.
i rest my case.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.