Boonex Admins, Developers, Members - Lend me your ears

I have been a member of BoonEx for several years now. Over my years I have seen Dolphin grow into a spectacular product. I have also seen how some things just never change. Let me give you a few example of what I am talking about:


When it comes to developers, there are many that have gained the trust and support of members here at Unity. One of the biggest previous gripes was how everyone was getting ripped off at Expertzzz, bought a product that didnt work, customers were not getting support, and how developers were having to deal with refunds and 'unauthorized' transactions from customers.


I have learned by getting burned (meant to say that). When it comes to developers and purchasing modules, I have a select few that I buy from, and only them. When I see developers who have a good reputation, sell the products they describe, provide updates, and support their customers.. Those are the ones I trust and you know who you are..


BUT.. What pisses me off more than anything, is how these hard working developers who really do try to give their best at making Dolphin an enjoyable experience, end up getting cheated. How you ask? Well, by members who purchase modules, install it, then submit for a refund because they 'thought' it would work a different way. Well now they have the module AND their money.  Better yet, how people take these modules and change a few lines of code and turn around and sell it for a lower price or even free...


Do any of you know what this does? These developers who have suffered from some of the items I have mentioned above, end up throwing in the towel, not developing any new modules, or they just plain leave after getting ripped off. And I dont know about any of you, but I personally think that Dolphin NEEDS these modules to make it come alive (no offense BoonEx).


So here is my advise.. In order to try and keep these GREAT developers creating their FABULOUS modules, take a few moments to go through these few steps before/after  purchasing a module from someone.



- READ THE DESCRIPTION - When you read the description, you should already get a feel what 'what' the module will do.

- TEST IT (If possible) - Some Developers offer you the ability to test their products at the testing website. DO IT!

- READ THE REVIEWS - You should get a feel from other users how the product is performing for other members

- Speaking of Reviews - DO NOT post technical help questions in the review section of the product. I mean really. If you want technical assistance, post it in the forum (most products have their own support forum), or email the developer.. Its really is that simple. Posting your comment of 'OK, I downloaded it but how do I install it' on the review page really makes you look bad.. just sayin

- EMAIL THE DEVELOPER - If there are no reviews OR you want to more about the product, email the developer. Don't buy the product, install it and then go.. 'Oh, I though this would flash in neon green'.. 'I want my money back'.

- DON'T expect any module that you buy will work with every single module in the market, including templates. It is completely impossible to guarantee that a module you buy from the market will be compatible with the other 150 modules you have installed. Have questions.. Email the developer. Most of the time if you do have issues with another module, the developers will try to work with you to resolve.


Just taking the time to go through these few steps will help reduce the heartache and pain that not only you will face, but also the developer themselves.



- You want to build a product and sell it? Thats wonderful.. But make sure it works BEFORE you post in in the Market.

- Don't post a product that you can't or will not support. When you post your product, and start receiving money for it, you have an obligation to your customers to make sure they are satisfied with their purchase. Answer your emails and reply to your forum posts.(This does not include custom requests)

- Learn to be creative. No need to create 120 different versions of the same Facebook integrations.

- Dont be a 'Kiddie' and take another module, change a few lines and then call it your own.. THAT IS STEALING. And I hope like hell that if you are caught, you lose it all and banned from Unity for life. Period!

- Try your best to update your module(s) as needed and in a timely manner. This could include special custom requests or updates to be compatible with the newest version of Dolphin.


I created this post because I really hate hearing the talks of some of our best developers getting sick and tired of how they are having to deal with all these issues. Sometimes the developer is the victim and sometimes its the consumer. Either way, there is no need for it.


I think I am done with my rant. Sorry to have bored some of you.

Nothing to see here
Quote · 12 Oct 2011

Yes, there are many problems to continue, is true.

I subscribe fully what you wrote.

See my products at | Hosting:
Quote · 12 Oct 2011

Some very good and valid points. I now only use developers that I have learned to trust. But, I still have modules that I purchased. one in petiqular, that did not do what it said in the description. Infact, it did not work fullstop. There were others with the same problem with this module, so it was not just me. after repeated efforts and upgrade patches, the product worked... but, part of it still does not, and is a direct violation of what is quoted in the desription. I also had to pay to get this mod customised to do what it was supposed to do in the firstplace, as i have with many mods. I am not going into details here because the mod works enough to function on my site, and I do not wish to piss the developer off further because I know down the road i will still need his support. But what is mentioned in the desription is a complete lie which I can prove.


What pisses me off is this...... I buy a mod, and it works, but I see an improvement which would benefit my site. I PAY for custom work (which is not cheap). The work is done. My site has an improved mod which gives my site an advantage which is what I am paying for. Then a week or two latter the developer releases an update patch with the functionality or code that was used in my custom work, which I paid for. Not only have I now lost the advantage, but it has cost me to do so. This has happened several times over the past year.




Quote · 12 Oct 2011


  Then a week or two latter the developer releases an update patch with the functionality or code that was used in my custom work, which I paid for. Not only have I now lost the advantage, but it has cost me to do so. This has happened several times over the past year. 

 This has been discussed here before; it was about a template a developer was paid to make, then offered in the market later. The developer won..

Yes I have modules that have not functioned from day one, some that are flawless. It's really hit or miss to me.

Zarcon brings up a very good practice; research, investigate, and test on their "demo" site for all functions if they provide one. If they don't, (provide demo site) I would move on and mark them off my list.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 12 Oct 2011

@DRautenbach - Another very good example you point out. In this case, everyone loses here. You lost on the money you paid for, what you thought was a custom enhancement. And the developer has lost a customer for implementing your idea into their next update. The developer should have said.. 'Hey thats a great idea, I will implement it in the next update for you'.


@Newton27 - This is exactly what this topic is about. Both sides (developers and consumers) have had their fair share of getting burned. I just wanted to give some advice to both sides in order to help refrain from all the unnecessary pain, bickering, and losses.


Thank you for you input.

Nothing to see here
Quote · 12 Oct 2011
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