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Hallo Community, vorallem die Deutschsprechenden.   Seid ihr auf Una umgezogen (inkl. euren Liz) oder seid ihr bei Dolphin geblieben?Habe leider nicht alles in den letzten Jahren mitbekommen. Erst wurde gesagt man kann seine Liz zu Una umziehen und dann wurde es still?1. wie soll das laufen?2. wird Dolphin überhaupt weiter gemacht oder müssen wir  zu Una alle rüber?gerne eine nette Diskusion hier für hilfe tipps etc. LG
19d ago
I am trying to install 7.4.2 again to start my gaming group at but can not until the issue of  installing stops throwing the error allow_url_include is On. Which i have checked my php.ini file and it is off. So i am currently not using it. But would like to. So fixing it would be great for me. 
58d ago
I still use it for my website allot of my modules no longer function with dolphin 7.4 and developers of these modules have gone...
67d ago
Hello everyone,   we are "ilbellodelweb", I hope you remember us. We were very active on the Boonex market.   In recent years Dolphin has suffered a stop in favor of the new project.   However, many users continue to use Now, however, the software scenario has completely changed and therefore a major update of Dolphin is needed to support PHP 8.x and new jQuery libraries.   We're already working on upgrading to PHP
73d ago
allow_url_include is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe) to turn it off and know its off put this ";" in front of the allow_url_include,
114d ago
i have installed dolphin 7.4.2 on my php 8.2.17 server, but, the page is producing a 2 column list of the links on left of page and no html design, just the dolphin logo at bottom left of page. does anyone know how to fix this or does anyone have any ideas what is causing this?
114d ago
Thanks Johnk42. Much appreciated. Also, thanks Modzzz, I thought about that from the last issue but wasnt sure so asked here instead.By the way, is everyone moving onto that una site now? Is it even worth sticking with dolphin? What do you think? Will it slowly become unusablke due to other apps and services being upgraded around it? php for instance, mysql etc?
154d ago
Look in the `sys_objects_vote` database table and delete any records relating to bx_wall Be sure to login to your Admin panel and clear cache afterwards.
155d ago
I'm not sure Dolphin is being supported any more. The close off date was December as far as I recall.   The Wall module is called the Activity Feed.   Reinstalling it may solve the problem. It sounds like you may have deleted the module before uninstalling it.
157d ago
Hi, using Using Dolphin 7.4.2 and PHP 7.4.33, I am getting this error through the cron job.I removed many features and this error is related to the Wall. I cant find the Wall module and not sure whether its included with some other module. Either way, I cant find out how to install the wall or remov
161d ago
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.