AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)

Mandatory Confirmation


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.1.0

Added: 31.12.10

Updated: 11.02.17

Category: Administration

Tags: modifications, aqb soft, confirmation, approval, moderation

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

Technical Checklist...

This simple and free mod disallows for all inactive members ability to log in. I.e. a member wouldn't be able to login till he will confirm his profile and/or admin will approve him (depending on moderation settings configuration).
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Thanks Anton. This is a much needed mode.

Cheers and Happy New Year,

Its a great module

But ist nor realy worjing with Facebook connection
Thanks for letting us know.
Fixed. The package is updated, so you can download it and follow instructions described in step #3 of installation manual.

But, what i must doing?? The step one make nothing...

1. Edit the file inc/classes/BxDolJoinProcessor.php (for Dolphin 7.0.0 edit the file join.php)
find the line

if ('EXIT' == BxDolService::call('avatar', 'join', array ($iMemID, $sStatusText))) {

and insert right above it the line

if ($sStatus == 'Active')
Why do you think so?


if ($sStatus == 'Active')
if ('EXIT' == BxDolService::call('avatar', 'join', array ($iMemID, $sStatusText))) {

is logically equal to

if ($sStatus == 'Active' && 'EXIT' == BxDolService::call('avatar', 'join', array ($iMemID, $sStatusText))) {

so that step makes something. :)
I do not really understand. Does this mean that members could login without admin approval ?
By default - yes. Usage of this free modification prevents that.
This is definitely a solution to the confirmation email process that we were faced with. Boonex by default lets your users create profile, avatar and into certain areas of your site before paying attention to the email confirmation process. Therefore your users can easily forget to confirm which becomes a hassled because they feel like they don't have access to everything. Trust me this was a long waited solution. Plus it works perfectly with Anton's Page Control Mod. With these two modes there is see more no confusion on the registration process.

Thanks for the review. I appreaciate it.

This is a good solution for those users that can't seem to figure out that they need to visit that link in the confirmation email to activate their account, and there seems to always be an endless supply of them.
Thanks a lot! Your module is very good!

But now I have a litle "problem". After "success confirmation page", appears "login page" and after loged in, appears "drashboard". I want that when a member confirmed the email address, goes to "success confirmation page" and when click "continue", goes to "avatar page". Or goes to "login page" and after, goes to "avatar page".

Sorry my english. My language is not see more english.
Hello, are you sure this mod works for Dolphin 7.0.5.? I have 2 sites and installed this mod on both of them. On 7.0.3 the mod works perfect! On 7.0.5 an inactive member can log in...
Yes it works for Dolphin 7.0.5. There was a little change in installation instructions for Dolphin 7.0.5. But as far as I understood you already found it out yourself. :) And thanks for letting me know.
good Job this is exactly what i think we all needed only thing is i would like to redirect them to the avatar page so the can upload their avatar
Thanks Anton. Now my Dolphin 7.0.5. works like a dream. The "open" registrating what Dolphin has as defeault does not suit to a "closed" social arena like mine ( Freemasons). At last we got some control over the registrating process. The support was also quick and accurate. Thank you again. I can warmly recommend AQB Soft services to anyone.
I'm a little confused I have 7.05 so am I using join.php OR BxDolJoinProcessor.php ?
For 7.0.5 you should edit inc/classes/BxDolJoinProcessor.php file.
join.php should be edited only in Dolphin 7.0.0 version.
I did every step and doesn't work, what am i doing wrong?
Contact us via Unity mail box and we will help you. Don't forget to describe whether you received any error messages or so.
This is an ultimate solution to the confirmation email process. Thanks Mr.AntonLV
Anton, thank you for this MOD! It works PERFECTLY in 7.0.6. Your MODS are always fantastic, your support is impeccable, and world-class! AWESOME!
Thank you very much!!! I appreciate your opinion. :)
I have facebook connect from deanos facebook connect. installed
if user joins normal way it works like a charm.

Only with facebook connect errors are there.
Is there any way to tell me what code i have to change for facebook connect from deano?
We are sorry but we have no idea about internals of Deano's facebook connect module. May be you should ask him to modify his module so it won't be loggin in members automatically.
Dolphin 7.0.6 has a "Automatic profile activation after joining: [ ]" check box in Admin >> Settings >> Moderation Settings >> Postmoderation.

Does unchecking this box do the same thing as your mod? If not, how do the two differ?

Your work is always fantastic!
When you're unchecking "Automatic profile activation after joining" the member is still able to login, although his status is Approval and he can't do almost anything.
But with "Mandatory Confirmation" such a member wouldn't be able to login, untill approved or confirmed his email. In other words member will not be able to login at all till his profile staus isn't Active.
After user confirmed e-mail it gives this error when logging in:
Your username or password was incorrect. Please try again.
1. Ensure that username and password are correct indeed.
2. Ensure that profile is active (not in Approval state)
3. Ensure that while editing the files (specially inc/ you didn't left any spaces or newlines at the end of the file so the last characters in the file should be: ?>
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.