modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.5

Added: 16.10.11

Updated: 22.05.19

Category: Social

Tags: extensions, questions, answer, friend, ask, quiz, modzzz, modzzz team

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This mod allows members post Questions to each other. This is a fun feature that will bring a lot of excitement to your site.

* Members can ask questions anonymously

* Members can ask the same question to multiple persons simultaneously

* Integrated with Points so members can earn Points for Asking, Answering and Suggesting questions.


Comes with an existing list of over 300 predefined questions.

Administrator can add new questions to the Archive and manage existing ones.

Members can suggest new questions which are reviewed and accepted/rejected by Administrator


Public - Appears everywhere as asked by you

Private - Only the recipient can see who asked the question

Anonymous - Recipient will not know who asked the question


There is a Questions block that displays all pending Questions that needs to be answered by the member.


Actions block contains button that allows a viewer to post question for the Profile Owner.

There is a Questions block that displays all Questions that have been answered by the Profile Owner.


Contains block that displays a list of friends and allows you to select multiple Friends to ask a question. Apart from friends, you are allowed to manually enter the name of multiple other site members.

Contains block that displays Questions in the Archive in batches. Members can easily navigate through the list of existing Questions and select one.

Contains Question Box that allows members to type their own Question of select one from the Archive.

When asking a question, members can select the Privacy level.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Modzzz does it again! Brilliant mod! Will be a very very cool addition to my site. As with all Modzzz mods there is many many options within the mod of how to use it. Always a great thing. Personally though I like to strip things right back and make them simple and it seems easy enough to adjust. I only have 2 slight tweaks I'd like to see in upcoming releases. 1. no notification is given Once question is asked (this may be just something I'm experiencing ) and 2. I'd love if on the profile unit see more it had a link to ask user a question. I don't use the actions menus on my site so it makes it difficult for my members to use, I'm sure it's something I can tweak myself. loving it but! :)
Greattt Service Great Mod Modzzz is the man to keep your community happy!!!!
Keep up the Great work.... 10+
Highly Recommend this mod! " I bought about 11 mods from Modzzz so far all of them are great. A+
I must say, that there are not enough stars for the work "modzzz"
provides to us in this community. this module should have been part of the source code from boonex.
the first question i sent to my site members after installing many mods and upgrades on my site was "what is your favorite site feature" and all most all of the answers came back "questions" my members love this mod and i am sure that yours will as well

Outstanding once again, thank you Modzzz for your incomparable work.
Very good Module, i would like that Members get Notification in Spybox too :-)
Good support, easy to install and looks good.
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.