Dolphin 7 (Hookie) BETA 6 with online demo

VictorT posted 10th of September 2009 in . 89 comments.

Beta 6 is ready. So, today is another step towards a very stable version. Thanks for all your help in reporting bugs! We hope you will have time to help us test new Beta again.

Check out the list of bugs fixed in Beta 6

Download Dolphin 7 Beta 6

Download RMS Beta

Online Demo (we had to do the fresh install again)

Test, test, test!!!

Report bugs, post suggestions in Forums

Check out Trac for the progress of the next milestone.

P.S. Please, do not start discussions in the comments to this post, use forums for that.

Please login to post a comment.
What do I have to do with the RMS? Are there any instructions included?
RMS untilizes Audio/Video facilities of some Flash Apps. Here is the link to the instructions on how to handle RMS:
Thanks Boonex for Beta6 "stable". Start downloading n going to test now at your demo site.
Woooo whoooo very nice boonex thank's nice work
Super the dolphin 7 works very well. The RC it is for soon?

kiss Lavinco
Who's idea was that Cool Iris crap? It looks really cheesy. I hope this is not Boonex's answer to streamlining photo album navigation, because all it does is make it worse. What is going to happen, is people are going to land on this page with the cheesy cool iris viewer, and they will have no clue that they have to click on one of the thumbnails above the viewer to go to the real photo page where they can leave comments, rate photo, etc.

I can't believe you guys actually thought this was a see more good idea. Sure it's a fancy flash viewer.. big deal. I expect the only reason you used this particular open source flash viewer was because all the best open source flash viewers are already incorporated into photo album mods sold by various members of the Boonex staff.... somebody PLEASE tell me I'm wrong on that one.

So far I have not been disapointed with the changes from one beta to the next, but you guys just changed that.
Hi Houston,

I mentioned Cool Iris a while back but no one thought it was a good idea. I think Cool Iris is very cool. The integration Boonex did was not exactly what I had in mind but I think it is rather fabulous and nicely done.

What I had stated before was to have an RSS feed of an album's photos that Cool Iris could read and show in a separate window. They have nice developer instructions at

Cheers to you, Boonex, for a job well done! Sorry to pop your see more bubble, Houston.
I remember your suggestion well, and I would have no problem with it as a browser plugin, but as you say, this is not what you had in mind.

To have 2 separate viewing systems is only going to confuse the site visitors with what was already an album system with less than intuitive navigation... is just plain stupid.

Boonex didn't bust my bubble on this one.... they busted everybody's bubble.
You can embellish this script with all kinds of fancy flash bells and whistles, and make it bug free, but in the end, the damn thing still needs to make sense.
BTW.. what triggers the POS?
NM.... it appears for everybodyd's photo but your own
yay, this will give me time to get it ready for my pre-launch push! thanks
I would give you my first born if you guys would incorporate a video thumbnail selection tool. I know how to edit videos but some of the basic users of my site are cluless. I've been waiting and waiting and waiting but still nothing...:( I uploaded a black screen video to the demo to show you what I mean. user name PaleoTube. You put in a really nice avatar selector why not a flash video screen shot selector?Please Please Please do this and I'll do anything you want.
This is already in place. You can set any fram of the video as the thumb.
BTW, Cool Iris should be able to show the video thumbnails and if you click on any of them, the video should start playing right within the Cool Iris interface.
Andrew Boon
Right, we'll look into Vid-Cooliris thing. It was a quick add really.
Is the next beta the last? Cause I really can't stand any longer, I want to start the thing already.. we need RC asap.. I go crazy!
You'll never see an RC unless they stop taking steps backward... like that cool iris crap.
Andrew Boon
We've heard the argument a few comments earlier, loudly and prominently enough, all right.
A poorly worded, and ill thought comment Uno... please accept my apologies.
Thanks a lot, waiting for RC1 ....

Let's make the next version RC1 and then support db upgrades from there ... plzzzzz
You would be doing your users - and yourself, a huge favor if you started supporting at least some kind of limited upgrade procedure. Every time I start making some small progress, it is time to rip everything down and start all over again. The testing will never be as serious as you want until people finish their basic build outs and start using it with at least a small test community.
Very nicely spoken. I think we can all agree with that.
Also, the one guy I know here that is using it with a real community found some EXTREMELY serious bugs that none of the rest of rest of us found. For example, every cupid "matching" email went out to all users, and his server was shut down for spamming as a result. We need to get our own alpha tests up now to really shake this thing down.
Hopping on the bandwagon, I would like to suggest a site-wide RSS feed of all the photos, that would be compatible with CoolIris. That way anyone with the CoolIris plugin could easily browse all the photos at once (in a separate window).

Don't think this would be too many photos for CoolIris to handle all at once. I have seen thousands of photos loaded into CoolIris from a Google image search.

If you still think that would be too many photos to view at once, perhaps you could see more provide some photo filtering rules (photo searching) and show the results with an RSS feed compatible with CoolIris.
Here's my earlier post on CoolIris
Andrew Boon
We'll look into it. It's really not a priority now, but if it fits in between coffee and second beer... kidding kidding - we'll really give a try.
What cool iris bandwagon? Other than yourself, I don't recall massive support for this. As a browser plugin, reading an RSS, I have no problem with it.

However, Boonex has implemente your Cool Iris in the worst possible way. It makes me wonder if Boonex ever has team meetings to discuss changes like this, or whether it is just left up to the whims of an individual.

I haven't installed this beta yet, but I assume, and certainly hope this is a block that I can disable.

Ever wonder why there see more there's no fancy flash placeholders for photos and comments? Some day I'll break my silence about that and tell you.
Andrew Boon
We implemented it in the most simple way and in the palce where it is actually useful - album browsing.
@unoboonex if you lived near me I'd happily treat you to some to get this done!
Let's be honest Uno. You found a shortcut... and you took it.

I worry that this means the primary album system will be deprived of future AJAX enhancements
I think you did in you previous post. lol
thanks for your hardwork
I will test it :)

uploading now.. Fingers are crossed :)
its a nice and hardwork.....
But,Anybody like to tell me that now how I can upgrade my dolphin 7 beta 4 into dolphin 7 beta 6?
plz reply me at my personal e-mail address (
You can't Boonex itself erased everything of beta5 to install beta6..
You can't upgrade BETA versions of the software it has finally been said that upgrades will be supported with the RC stage of development.
Could you tell me the username and password to access the admin panel in your online demo? Thanks
I thin that will never happen with the official demo.. try to install it on your server..
if you ask me, I'd like to access the admin panel in Dolphin 7 beta 6
Install a version of D7-6 on your own test server, like mastermindro alreday say before. You will not give a admin account on the boonex server.
this is good , but can you tell me how to get to admin when i go "" the profile admin comes up!!
admin folder was renamed to administration to prevent a conflict when the admin was named 'admin'
Awesome boonex!
Getting bigger and better :)
Hey its awsum.. how can i upgrade my 6.1.6 to 7 Beta 6 without loosing my data ? also tell me if i purchase a lisence whenever you upgrade it i can download it n use it with same lisence number ?
This isn't currently possible the software is still in BETA and no upgrade path has been released at this time, you'll have to wait until the software is released.
how can i upgrade my 6.1.6 to this one ? i dont want to lose my members n data and also want to upgrade to this one. if i purchase license than i can upgrade too or i have to purchase the license of every new upgrade version?
There will be no upgrade from Dolphin 6 to Dolphin 7. You need to post these type of questions in the forums also hon.
how can i upgrade my 6.1.6 to hookie 7 beta 6 also tell me i dont want to lose my members n data too how i will shift everything on 7 beta 6 ?
Stop posing the same question over and over again, it's been answered already no upgrade path has been released, you shouldn't be using the BETA software to power a live community site!
Dear can you please tell me how to i can install this beta 6 version because i m getting fatal error of BXdolconfig.php and cant move next without it. Please Reply me anyone who knows about this issue.
You need to post this request in the forums, the blogs are not for this and you would have better luck there as that is where others go for help and to help others.
HTML-Block save / stored

Warnung: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at / home/deafworl/subdomain/dolphin7beta6/inc/classes/BxDolPageViewAdmin.php: 265) in / home/deafworl/subdomain/dolphin7beta6/inc/ on line 53
I got this message too. I think I read in the Trac that it has been fixed.
i look test!! only Video Play Problem

Video Play go not!!

Dolphin 6.1.6 Play go good!!
Video Upload flv, wmv, mpg, avi, asf on 1.flv, 2.flv Type with flv and mpg

Dolphin 7 Play go not!!!
Video Upload flv, wmv, mpg, avi, asf on 1, 2, 3, Type without flv and mpg
Can someone please tell me how to upgrade from beta 3 to latest beta, I don't want to lose my member base, would also like to complain about some features of beta not working, and can you completely rewrite the photo album interface again as the colour clashes with my monitor.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Unoboonex - you truly have the patience of a saint. Keep up the good work.

Do I dare post my true thoughts, or do I risk retalliation and consequences?
No problems here. Keep it up.
The cool iris thing was exactly what I needed for doing in profile pic rolls.
This is very important:

* Please allow RSS feeds to all categories of Blogs, Forum, Classified Ads, Videos, Music, Events, News, Articles and anywhere this may apply.

* Please allow member and admin descretion to adjust, update or extend the effectivity of their classified ads.

* Please allow member and admin descretion to delete comments on profile, photos, music, videos, blogs, events and anywhere it may apply.

* Please add Job Finder next to Classified Ads

* If possible please add see more celebrity profiles.

* A reciprocal banner exchange trafficking system would be more helpful if you include it.

* Please make affiliate more desirable to join with more plus for them to earn money.
plz make ray support arabic
chat not support my lang arabic
why when i downloades the v7 beta 6 I dont get the full site like in the online demo.??????? i just get a couple of tabs and thats it????
What is this with ['] being replaced with [\'] eg... Julian's becomes Julian\'s .... it's irritating. Could you please take care of this fraction of a bug?

Could you also do something about the Iris plugin? I hate the idea that one is not able to make a comment or rate a picture. That's like unacceptable. Please fix it!

Finally, I think it is about time you release a RC to allow productive implementation and testing by us your loyal users.

Aside these, I think it is impressive the work you see more guys have done.
I downloaded BETA 6 and had a successful installation but after everything ... though all was successful again, the Orca Forum module isn't working.

Please check ... it could be buggy.

Error code states:

Warning: file_get_contents(http://localhost/paddy8/forum/js\util.js) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has see more failed to respond. in \xampp\htdocs\paddy8\inc\classes\BxDolTemplate.php on line 828

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in xampp\htdocs\paddy8\inc\classes\BxDolTemplate.php on line 828

Note that my installation was on a localserver.
I decided only today to install dolphin 7 and so far great! I was just wondering if there will be more options for the different membership levels. there are less than there were on the previous versions of dolphin.... Apart from that, great, now I will start testing and reporting any bugs I may find...
install D7 Beta 6 , i have problem admin page is not login
install D7 Beta 6 , i have problem admin page is not login
they made it longer its /administration
page /modules/boonex/forum/integrations/base/config.php - row 88

if ($gConf['lang'] && file_exists($path . 'layout/base_' . $gConf['lang']))
complile lang - ru


Warning: require_once(/***/html/community/modules/boonex/forum/layout/uni_ru/params.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /***/html/community/modules/boonex/forum/integrations/base/config.php on line 99

resolve probleme

if ($gConf['lang'] && file_exists($path see more . 'layout/base_' . $gConf['lang']))


if ($gConf['lang'] && file_exists($path . 'layout/base_' . $gConf['lang']) && file_exists($path . 'layout/uni_' . $gConf['lang']))
Hello, i have one simple question. When will be Dolphin 7 complete?
This is very nice system. Good work.
wow it's really good!! I can't chat on Safari and Firefox on mac :(
Kinda stinks paying all that money for three months when I got an inferior software. In my opinion, I was charged for a "testing" software...nowhere near ready for true public use...

I have a little problem.
I am using Dolphin 7 really intesive but there is one problem. New pages! When I make a new page he saves it but then. I don't know the link of it or something. I cant add it in the navigation menu.
Somebody knows what the secret is?
So I am newbie at all of this and I had started a site with the free version and just recently bought a license. I placed the code in advanced setting is that all I do or... anyone
Great job so far!
When will Dolphin 7 come out of beta?
i cannot install on wamp 2.0 =(. first i had to disable a few things that was needed to run it like allow_url_include but i get a error saying to disable it because it makes the site unsafe. ok so i do that and the installtion shows up fine. i do skip imagemagick and cron jobs like i did on the earlier versions, soon as i get to the completed page i have error codes all over the place and its a mess. i even went ahead and deleted the install folder afterwords and refreshed the page and i got the see more same page with even worse error code plaguing the page =(. any ideas what im doing wrong? please someone respond or mail me a response or tip. thanks!
nvm, fresh download of it did it. i might of been missing some files. testing now!
I must say, there are an immense amount of files in the future of D7, when D6 only contained about half as much.

And what about the SQL table structure?---I am hardly an expert, but a cursory glance suggests the structure of that has changed drastically as there are 47 less entries in the basic structure of D7. To me this suggests more organisation.

Those of you asking for beta upgrades should know that would be practically a waste of time and resources for the development team and only push see more D7 back further.

Looks to me as though there is little ease of upgrading from 6 to 7 even when it is complete as so much has changed. Of course, nothing is impossible if you can imagine it!

Nevertheless, this beta is very nice, but what I want to know is, unless I've missed something new, why is Orca apparently hell-bent on not having a signature in the forums?!
How do you create a custom page with php codes
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.