AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)

Access Management System 1.0.0


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.1.0

Added: 27.02.10

Updated: 25.06.16

Category: Spam Prevention

Tags: extensions, security, protect, scammer, spammer, block, management, aqb soft, dolphin 7.1

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

Technical Checklist...

NOW Access Management System (AMS) is available for D7. Installation is very simple – just upload and press install button :)
There are new ajax usability interface and several new small features.
Access Management System (AMS) helps you to get rid of annoying spammers, scammers and  all the undesirable users/visitors. You can ban such customers by profile's ID, visitors by IP address or country location. You can also track users with the same IP address or members who create several profiles on your site.
You can limit access to your site for special users or group of users via Dolphin administration panel. Group of users can be presented by the whole country or by the list of IP addresses.
AMS system blocks users by:
  • User's ID (Profile ID)

  • IP address. System will automatically save member's IP address by every login.

  • Country name.

How to block member by ID:
You need to go to AMS administration panel and check member which you want to ban and press block/deblock button. Also you can use Filter if you want to find a member. You just need to put value to the filter text box and press search. Member will be found by using the next fields: NickName, Email, Headline, DescriptionMe, Tags, DateReg, DateLastLogin, IP address.
How to block by IP:
You may easily add IP address, interval of IP addresses, IP address with mask which are separated with (,) or (;) signs. You can create the list of blocked IP addresses and paste them into the text area in AMS -> Tools -> Blocked IP-s and Intervals section.
For example:
  1. Simple IP address:

  2. Interval of IP addresses:

  3. IP addresses with mask:

How to block visitors by country location:
There is a list of countries in AMS -> Tools -> Total Blocked Countries section. In order to Block/DeBlock visitors from the whole country you need to select a county and press save button. Also you can see in Members Area real (physical) country and Profiles member's country. For example, if member creates profile and chooses country USA but he/she is from Nigeria, you will be able to track it via AMS admin panel.
Also now you may change ban messages for members via AMS -> Settings section. You can add redirect link for any of 3 existed ban situation (banned by IP, banned by ID, banned by Country). If you set redirect link, visitor would be redirected to this link during 1.5 seconds after he/she has seen ban message.
If you click on Members groups from one IP link you can see the number of users which have the same IP addresses.
There are several popup tool tips in all AMS administration's sections. They help you to understand what you need to do with this section.
Also you may be interested in new Access Management System 2.0.0
NOTE: Members who already have Access Management System 1.0.0 can upgrade their current version to 2.0.0, you just need to pay additionally $30
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If you are serious about your site, then you definitely need this mod. It works as advertised, and if you worry about installation then stop, because it's
easy as click one button and you are good to go. I recommend this mod to anyone.
Anton's modz are the best. I purchased this for D6 on expertzzz months ago and now I downloaded the updated version. This is a must have and im thinking about upgrading to the new version soon. Good job man and keep the modz coming.
Awesome Product and super easy to install. Appears to work great so far. Spammers were starting to drive me nuts, especially in the chat rooms.
Thank you for the review. I appreciate it very much!!!
We have problems with installation :(
Hello! Provide us please with your access info via inbox we will help you.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.