Advanced Email Templates from AntonLV


This is a support forum for our Advanced Email Templates module.
If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it, feel free to post them here or contact us directly.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 24 Oct 2013



Modification was updated.

A couple of changes in installation instructions were done and the code was corrected.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 11 Feb 2014


Version was updated. Several bug fixes and support for SMTP mailer were added.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 6 Mar 2014



Version was updated.

Bug with double class declaration was fixed.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 12 Mar 2014


Version was updated.

Bug with template updating was fixed.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 2 Apr 2014

The copy in your document says this is Dolphin 7.1 compatible. The page on the Boonex market says 7.2.1 compatible. My site is 7.2.1 and if your module isn't, it could break my site. Would you please clear this up as quickly as possible? I have downloaded version 1.04.


Maybe as a courtesy, you would be willing to install it and make sure it's working correctly for me?


My site is


Thanks much,


Quote · 17 Nov 2015

Hello, Gary!


Provide us please with your ftp and admin panel access info via inbox we will install it for you.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 18 Nov 2015



Version was updated. It is compatible with latest Dolphin 7.2.1 version.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 18 Nov 2015

Thank you Anton. I appreciate you handling the installation for me. I think I'm going to have some questions about how to set up my HTML templates though.

Quote · 24 Nov 2015



Ok, feel free to contact us with questions.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 25 Nov 2015



Version was updated. Bug with new email template was fixed and some corrections for viewing email templates were done.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 25 Nov 2015

The bug I found is regarding the absolute URL, as used to identify the path to images in the template. The module seems to convert them from the full URL back to the "../" version, which isn't compatible with the Mass Mailer system, which seems to want the full path. So I get a broken link in my email when mailing from Mass Mailer tool in Boonex.

What I want is the complete URL without modification in the source code of my template.

Is this something you can fix for us soon?

Quote · 11 Feb 2016



We had no such kind of problems with this module, all email's links are processed in our module's code, even if email is sent from Mass Mailer.



Can you please provide us with your access info via our inbox, we will check it?


Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 12 Feb 2016

OK - I sent over my info in your message box, and also forwarded a copy of the email with the broken links to you via email. Maybe you can figure it out.

Also, the preview in Dolphin's mass email looks really strange - maybe I used it incorrectly. I just wrote my message in Mass Mailer, where it said "Body" and added some HTML in the editor. do you know of a way to do a small test run before sending it to all members?


Thanks for your help -


Quote · 13 Feb 2016

Hello, Gary!


Thanks for the report. We have fixed the problem and updated the module.

If you still have any problems let us know please.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 18 Feb 2016

Hi Anton - I updated my site to Dolphin 7.3, and I'm having problems with the Advanced Email Template module again, specifically with broken links for the images in emails. Perhaps your previous fix was wiped out by the update.


Can we please work together to fix this as soon as possible? I want to do a notification, but not with a faulty template.


Thanks much,


Quote · 11 Sep 2016

I took a shot at editing two files which appeared to be overwritten in the update, and were mentioned in the readme.txt file in the most recent download. The files I modified according to the instructions were /dolph/inc/ and /dolph/administration/notifies.php. I did my best to make the changes mentioned.

I will do a test and see if this has cured the problem with your module.


Thank you, CHOPS

Quote · 11 Sep 2016

Looks like that has it working again - so far so good. I will keep an eye on it.

Quote · 11 Sep 2016

Hello Gary,


Ok, let us know please if you still have any problems with the module, we will check.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 11 Sep 2016

Hi Anton,


I'm seeing the same problem again with broken links to images in my emails, so I am assuming that the recent update to Dolphin 7.3.3 must have wiped out the changes I made a few months ago. Also, I have downloaded your latest version 1.0.6 of AE. Could you please send some guidance? I'm seeing the broken links where the absolute URL gets replaced with a "cid" that doesn't work.


Thanks much,


Quote · 26 Dec 2016

I went through all the ABQ changes to the files as recommended in the Readme.txt and they are all still in place. This is from the most recent download I could find - 1.0.6.


It looks like it is replacing the absolute URL with -  src="cid:image"  in the outbound email.


I really need to fix this soon - please let me know what it will take - My email templates look horrible!


Thank you,


Quote · 27 Dec 2016

Is this due to recent changes to TinyMCE again?

Quote · 27 Dec 2016



Sorry for delay. We will try to upload updated version during 24 hours.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 27 Dec 2016

Hi Anton -


I have just updated to the latest version of Dolphin and it looks like I need your help fixing the Advanced Email Templates product again. I am now seeing the same problem over again - the path to the images in my templates are being replaced with "cid:image" resulting in broken links in the emails.


It's weird returning here to the same old issue, but that is what is happening.


Your prompt attention would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks - CHOPS

Quote · 24 May 2018


Provide us with ftp and site's admin panel access info we will check.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 25 May 2018


ThanksHi Guys


I too have the issue with broken links and images. Looks like TinyMce is stipping the path.  Also unable to save any new templates even the most basic.


I have speant ages creating a responsive template mailer today which displays perfect in test (see attached) until I came to Dolphin.  Please can you assist as a matter of urgency as I really need to get this mailed out tomorrow.



beefree-mv81730kfl.html · 47K · 860 downloads
Steve E
Quote · 28 Nov 2018

Good luck. I would find another way if it is really important. Anton does respond and did fix my stuff once we connected and he got on it. But it's not always easy to get that to happen.

I wish I could help more.



Quote · 29 Nov 2018


Issue was resolved via inbox.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 5 Dec 2018
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