Akismet Pricing

Many of Dolphin site owners were confused by Akismet pricing. But the things are not bad at all, you are still can use it for free for testing purposes and for productions site you can use $5 plan if you have less than 10K requests per month. Here is official quote from Akismet:


Our starter-level pricing is $5 per month ("Pro" level) and I think that's the appropriate level for any of these networks when they start out. Our basic view is that this level works for most keys unless the number of calls gets out of hand (over 10k a month) in the which case we might ask you to upgrade

Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 14 Mar 2011

They also said that using a free key to test things out was fine. Once Askimet gets fixed this will be good to know ; )

Quote · 14 Mar 2011

Was just researching this yesterday. Thanks for the clarification. :) I think it will help alot and not place the burden on the admin to patrol all the comments and posts. :) Has Boonex thought about Defensio? free up to 25,000 api calls.

Quote · 15 Apr 2011
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.