Finding text with Dolphin files | Huge timesaver

I've worked with Dolphin 7 for a little over a month now. I have to say that there is huge potential, great features (when they work), and a whole lot of eccentricities. In the last month I've posted over 20 forum posts, contacted two BoonEx Agents, and one Developer through the Market and I'll be honest...Not impressed whatsoever. No responses from the agents or developer. Posts in the forums seem to be smack dab in the middle of "OMG WTF I NEED THIS NOW!!1! LOL HELP" and chirping crickets. For people like me who actually search the forums exhaustively before posting, it's very frustrating. I'm not a dumb guy when it comes to PHP, CSS, MySQL, and overall web app operations, but when a script is this proprietary, it's difficult to find little annoyances in over 5,000 individual files.

Enter Windows Grep.

All of the issues that I've solved I've done so on my own, mostly by using Windows Grep to search the entire script's files for a small string of text. It's become such an often used tool that I've purchased it (it bugs you with a nag screen when you close it otherwise, but no limitations on usage).

Because of this program, I've been able to figure out quite a bit of stuff that's been asked on the forums. Little things, like How do I remove Online Only and With Photos Only from search, What do I edit to make this happen, etc. Once I'm done with this current site I'll be collating it and posting in the forums my solutions.

Hopefully that makes up for some of the frustrations BoonEx's lack of support causes.

Quote · 12 Aug 2010

Thanks .. I agree.. It is frustrating... Developers who are paid by Boonex should be more open with their resources and not charge for access to it. I look forward to your journal of solutions.

Quote · 12 Aug 2010

It definitely sucks that this is the way it is, and I for sure will not be purchasing Dolphin anytime soon. The Desktop app doesn't work, the iPhone App is crap, and those are two huge upsides to purchasing it, but what's the point?

Quote · 13 Aug 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.