Help! Problem!

Maybe somebody can figure this out!  I'm stumped unless I re-install half the sites files because I don't know what is going on.  Sorry for screaming in the title, i was a bit excited when I went to post this.

Please check out

The footer seems to be in the right column and the right column seems to have been pushed under the left column.  This just happened one day all by itself.......  Nobody was messing with any of the coding......well at least I don't think so anyways.  I've tried replacing the Base directory in templates with the default Base, no help.  This problem also stays constant across the 5 templatse installed on this site so I am deducting it might be related to a file that deals with the columns.

Any help would be greatly apprecaited!!!!



Quote · 13 Mar 2009

OK, so now the guy paid for his logos to be removed, but the footer links are still there and the right column is still under the left column.  any ideas!



Quote · 17 Mar 2009


Hmmm, it looks to me like it could be a column width issue?

Have you checked your page and column widths in admin/builders/page builder? What I'm seeing at your site is typical behavior for table content (which is basically what those blocks in the columns are) that's too wide to fit. In other words, if you have a 400 px wide table/block with three images that you want side by side, each image at a width of 150 px, then one of the pictures is going to "jump" below the others since the table contraints of 400 px are forcing it to do so.


So, if your homepage was set at a width of 800 px but both columns together amounted to more than 800 px, I'd imagine that what you have on your homepage is exactly what would happen ... one of the columns would begin lining all of its blocks up underneath the other one, instead of next to it? Hope this helps.



Greetings from Germany

Quote · 18 Mar 2009

Okay, I'm going to apologize to several people and then I'm going to go off... I apologize to those of you who work your behinds off to help people, whether it's for free or a business for you.  But some individuals simply have no rights to go mucking around inside the code files, let alone to be charging others for it. 


JCTWebsites I have seen you in here asking some pretty basic questions, though politely, but still basic.  I did a little checking after reading what you put in here to learn your charging someone to build this catastrophe of a site.  What in the same hell are you doing?  Look at the site for Gawds Sake.  You have column 2 buried behind column 1, column width of all columns reduced to 25% of the page yet you have them set in the Admin Panel at 50% width each.  Yes, I can see that by just using my browser tools. 


Further, you've assigned the body block a value equal to the promo box, which is causing a float error with the rest of the columns below the tmplates_base/_footer.html file.  All of this is because you don't have a frigging clue as to what your doing.  Worse, your actually in here trying to get Dolphin owners to come over to you to all you to host them.  You are the epitomy of why Dolphin is so hard for so many individuals.  And yes, I hope your client reads this.


You have totally screwed up his coding and his site.  Now, have your client come in here and this will be fixed, but I will not do it for you to get paid when you have demonstrated you have no clue what your doing, and I will not make your client think you have a clue.


***MC  I got your PM and I've looked at, still looking at a solution as I saw what is happening and I'm trying to isolate it out so that you can pull the main photo back and not the friends thumbnails that are below.  In the mean time, if you widen your column slightly or the entire page it will fix the problem.

Quote · 18 Mar 2009


I have tried fixng the problem using Admin Panel > Builders > Page Builders, but it didnt help any.  Even if I did have the ratios completely screwed up, I wouldn't think the footer would appear in the right column.  Thanks for that suggestion though.


As I said in my first post, I havent touched any of the coding on the site.  This just happened all by itself.  Hard to believe?  I haven't done any assigning to any files.  I don't have time to snoop around in each of my clients Dolphin sites.  I am simply trying to help out one of my clients who has a problem that I'm not quite sure how to fix.  I've swapped out the templates files with the default template files, but nothing changed.  So that eliminates anything in the /template directory.  I haven't totally screwed up anything because I didn't touch anything to make this happen.  I don't claim to know everything there is about Dolphin.  I can't fix every little problem.  That is where collabration helps.


I could just start swapping out site files until the problem goes away, but the site is a gunny pig for a new modification coming out soon by my clients partner.  I don't want to touch anything in fear I might mess up the modification project.


Please be a little nicer next time you reply to anybody's problems, not just mine in general.  My clients are very happy with me, otherwise they wouldn't continue using my services.  I help people who are beginners to Dolphin by providing hosting and Dolphin specific support.  I provide RMS Connections to anybody who doesn't want to pay for a VPS/Dedicated for a significantly cheaper price each month.  I'm not here to screw people over.  Of course, you can't make everybody happy.


I'm sorry I upset you even though I'm not quite sure how I did it.  I will apologize anyways.  I will definitely have my client take a look at this so maybe you can help him out.

Quote · 19 Mar 2009

You won't find the solution to this problem in the Admin => Builders => Page Builders because as I said it's been mucked around in the coding files, not the admin panel.  You couldn't create this mess in the Admin Panel if you spent a million years trying.  Further, it's limited to 1 page, the home page. 


Now, if that's not enough of a hint for you, look in the script files, it's not in the CSS either.  Now if your client is using this as a test site for a mod they want to build, I'd like to know who the client is so I can avoid any mods they put out (IE, great job insulting the owner of the site and pointing out he/she is a newbie to dolphin)


Now, go look at the tables for the home page (try things like index.php) and figure out where you/they screwed up the coding to eliminate the table and ignore the actual values assigned by the admin => Builders => Page Builders.


**Just a note, try going into Page Builders => Home and move a couple blocks around.  If this is what I think it is that will fix it, if not then go find what was done to the script coding that eliminated the table and fix it.  But quit just dropping files in, your going to cause conflicts with other modifications on the site because you have no clue what else might be affected by the files your replacing. 


And I am nice, just not nice when people are charging for something and then come in here to ask us to give them an answer that gets them a paycheck.  I do this for free to help, not to line my pocket or anyone elses pocket with my knowledge.

Quote · 19 Mar 2009


If you messed around with just one of the tags, divs, or functions within the _header.html in templates (I'm assuming that you replaced just the css files) ... in the wrong place ... the whole page can get out of whack. That's what happened to me when I placed our header map just 3 lines too far down, it screwed up the entire layout.

Other than that, unless your setup has been hacked into, certainly you or "your client" has done something to mess up the code. There's no other possibility since files don't magically change themselves.

Hey boonex, you guys aren't working with cyberdyne systems, are you?   ;^D



Greetings from Germany

Quote · 19 Mar 2009

This is just some minor code and css problem which can be fix easily.I can fix it for a small fee.

Quote · 19 Mar 2009

This post is for "MYDATERY"


I am "the client" and I want you to know that jctwebsites does not charge me one red penny for the help he offers.  Nothing, zero, Zilch!


He has been nothing but helpful with the setup of my community.


Please do not accuse anyone of leeching unless you have proof of it!  Where did you find out he was charging me anyways?  I only pay for hosting and RMS and this has been flawless.


Please note also that I have not been inside of any code.  I am a complete programming newb and never touch code.


I was hacked about 2 months ago and things have gone wonky since then.  It was apparently fixed and secured by the maker of my new store to come - CRAFTSTOREZZ (I think that is how it is spelled).  They are on Expertzzz.  He says they haven't touched any code that would create the issue I am having.


Now if someone can help it would be much appreciated.



Quote · 19 Mar 2009


This post is for "MYDATERY"


I am "the client" and I want you to know that jctwebsites does not charge me one red penny for the help he offers.  Nothing, zero, Zilch!


He has been nothing but helpful with the setup of my community.


Please do not accuse anyone of leeching unless you have proof of it!  Where did you find out he was charging me anyways?  I only pay for hosting and RMS and this has been flawless.


Please note also that I have not been inside of any code.  I am a complete programming newb and never touch code.


I was hacked about 2 months ago and things have gone wonky since then.  It was apparently fixed and secured by the maker of my new store to come - CRAFTSTOREZZ (I think that is how it is spelled).  They are on Expertzzz.  He says they haven't touched any code that would create the issue I am having.


Now if someone can help it would be much appreciated.




1.  It can take up to a week for changes to layout to appear.  Pages, especially the popular ones, get cached and served up out of there a lot of the time.  So, you or someone changed something and that is causing this.  It just may have taken a little while to appear.


2.  This problem is home page specific.  I've been through your site and that is where it's at.


3.  This problem is body specific, in that the body block has had it's size adjusted to just the size of the promo block, destroyed the tabling and so on. 


Now, my first suggestion again is to go to:  Admin=> Builders => Page Builders => Home Page and move a couple of the blocks around, then clear the cache out on the server and let it serve up completely fresh pages.  Refresh a time or 2 and see how it goes.


If that doesn't work, then let me know and I'll look deeper into where you trashed the tables on this.  As far as hackers go, hackers like to hit database, deface with an owned by sign and steal data or send a ton of spam.  Most will not venture into breaking the tables on 1 page and no where else.  Doesn't serve much purpose to do that.



Quote · 19 Mar 2009


I replaced the inc/db_cached/ file with the default one.  Now take a look at the site.  It looks a whole lot better, but now the footer appears behind the homepage boxes.  Also, if I move the blocks around in the homepage builder, it goes right back to the footer taking over the right side of the column and the right column being pushed under the left column.

That is where I am now with this. Thanks for your help!


Quote · 21 Mar 2009




I replaced the inc/db_cached/ file with the default one.  Now take a look at the site.  It looks a whole lot better, but now the footer appears behind the homepage boxes.  Also, if I move the blocks around in the homepage builder, it goes right back to the footer taking over the right side of the column and the right column being pushed under the left column.


That is where I am now with this. Thanks for your help!




You don't listen.


Quit replacing files, your screwing up multiple mods that the site may have.  If the footer is coming in to high, then the table is still screwed up in index.php or index.css  This problem is limited only to the home page so quit screwing around and look at those files.  If you don't know php, then post the content in here and we'll take a look at it.  This is something very simple but your screwing it up.


Also look at templates/templ_uni/page_1.html  does it have __page_body__ in it?



If you want help with this then quit doing your own thing and start listening to what we are telling you.

Quote · 21 Mar 2009



When ever I change out files, I always make a backup of what I am doing.  If I see that changing out the file didn't help anything, I put the files back.  What I mean by changing out the files is replacing them with the default Dolphin files.  If it does happen to fix the problem, then I know which files are the trouble ones.  I can then start investigating the code in the suspect files.  This will take care of keeping modification files in tact.  I have found this method quite effective.  I don't just go in, replace the files, see that it doesnt help, and leave it that way.  I do think this thing through a little more than it seems to mydatery.  Of course, if I happen to screw up this process, I always have my server backsup to fall back on.


I saw that changing out the inc/db_cached/ file half way fixed the problem, so that is why I wanted to share it with the community.


I changed out the entire /template directory and found it didn't help, so I put the original back.  This eliminates this quote and anything to do with the /template directory as I have already mentioned in an earlier post.


Also look at templates/templ_uni/page_1.html  does it have __page_body__ in it? 

Please, spend less time finding arguing words and more time discussing how this can be fixed.  I am willing to work with you, but stop treating me like an idiot.  I am advanced in HTML/CSS and intermediate in PHP.  I've been doing this for the past 7 years, not necessarily Dolphin, but many different applications.


As always, thank you for your input.  It is much appreciated!



Quote · 21 Mar 2009

Unless I was looking at the source files, I have show you as much on this as I can without them, and no, I don't want to. 


Now, in order to build the home page you need the following as the primary files:










Plus, here's the require once files:


require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );

require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/scripts/BxTemplVotingView.php" );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolArticles.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolClassifieds.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolEvents.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolBlogs.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolGroups.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolPageView.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolSharedMedia.php' );


Now, I'd check index.php & inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php and look to see where this table is broken, I'd also look at _footer.html and see if there is a reason it's being sent to the top. 

Quote · 21 Mar 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.