How do we upgrade the script?

How do we upgrade the script? Patch and versions cannot be downloaded the wiki pages do not work 

502 Bad Gateway

Quote · 19 Apr 2023

What are you trying to upgrade from - to? The last version of Dolphin was 7.4.2. That was a couple of years ago.

Quote · 20 Apr 2023

my site its v7.1.0

Quote · 20 Apr 2023

I have paid several licenses for dolphin and I cannot upgrade, the download pages for the patch are no longer available

Quote · 20 Apr 2023

Upgrading from 7.1.0 to 7.4.2 would be a massive job. You have to do each of the release upgrades one at a time and get them working before doing the next one. It will probably take weeks with no guarantee of success. It will also involve upgrading PHP on your server because 7.1.0 probably ran on PHP 5 or earlier.

Wow! I honestly couldn't think of anything worse. Dolphin upgrades were hard enough at the best of times. If it's not a rude question, how many members do each of your sites have? It may pay to copy the profiles across and Modzzz "may" have a module that will help. I say "may" because it may not be easy to read the existing database. 7.1.0 is a bit of an antique.

Quote · 20 Apr 2023

Hello brunno!


Now the BoonEx Trac is available, see this page again

Quote · 30 Apr 2023

Hello brunno!


Now the BoonEx Trac is available, see this page again

Quote · 30 Apr 2023

Thanks Leonid.

Quote · 30 Apr 2023
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.