Mollie Payment Provider from AQB Soft


This is a support forum for our Mollie Payment Provider module.

If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 9 Dec 2014

Hi, I'm trying to test your payment module at and I would like to see how the Bank transfer option works. Could you activate it in the demo page?

Thank you!

2015-09-10_13-34-12.jpg · 198.2K · 404 views
Quote · 10 Sep 2015



It was enabled. You may test it.

Let us know please, if any problems.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 10 Sep 2015

Hello. Now I can see the "Mollie Payment" option, but when I click on the "Checkout" button I stay on the same page, without seeing any information message. Have I done something wrong?


Thank you

Quote · 10 Sep 2015

Try again please.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 10 Sep 2015

Hello. I've been able to do the payment. How could I buy more points so that I could do the payment again?


Thank you!

Quote · 11 Sep 2015



You need to go to My Account -> My Points page and click on Buy Points link (on the top right) and put wishful points number and click to buy. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 11 Sep 2015

I didn't think it was an editable textfield.

Thank you very much for your support.

Quote · 11 Sep 2015



You are welcome :)

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 11 Sep 2015

I have a problem installing the module.

I created a folder aqb and uploaded the content into this folder

When trying to install it through admin panel I get this error :

There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error: 

INSERT INTO `bx_pmt_providers` (`name`, `caption`, `description`, `option_prefix`, `class_name`) VALUES ('mollie', 'Mollie Payment', 'Mollie payment provider', 'mollie_', 'BxPmtMolliePay');

-- -- Error: 

INSERT INTO `bx_pmt_providers_options`(`provider_id`, `name`, `type`, `caption`, `description`, `extra`, `check_type`, `check_params`, `check_error`, `order`) VALUES(@iProviderId, 'mollie_active', 'checkbox', '_payment_mollie_active_cpt', '_payment_mollie_active_dsc', '', '', '', '', 1),(@iProviderId, 'mollie_mode', 'select', '_payment_mollie_mode_cpt', '_payment_mollie_mode_dsc', '1|_payment_mollie_mode_live,2|_payment_mollie_mode_test', '', '', '', 2),(@iProviderId, 'mollie_merchant_id', 'text', '_payment_mollie_merchant_id_cpt', '_payment_mollie_merchant_id_dsc', '', '', '', '', 3);
Quote · 10 Jun 2016

Problem solved.

Quote · 10 Jun 2016

Hello, Annabel!


Ok, let us know please, if you have any problems with this module.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 10 Jun 2016



Version was updated. A few improvements were added.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 19 Feb 2018
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