Select from Albums

In places like blogs and events there are options to upload new pictures or sound files to associate with the post. Would it be possible to select from the members own albums instead of having to upload a new picture every time?


Being able to select photos, videos and sounds from your own album to insert into a blog or event description would also be very useful. In that way people get routed back into the albums if they want to see more.


Now someone is going to post a link to a module that already does that...(crosses my fingers)



Quote · 12 Aug 2016

Attaching a photo to the post is coded to upload the image from the member's hard drive, create a link to the image, insert a thumnail of the image and tie it to facybox so when the image is clicked, it opens it in a lightbox.

Now, if one is on the pages that has the feature described above, one can insert an image from one's album into the post, or they can insert from their file storage if using a file manager such as Moxie Manager, scale the image down using TinyMCE, and then attach the fancybox class to the image and it will work the same as the attached image.  Of course the full size image is inserted and just scaled down instead of a thumbnail.

I don't know of a module at the moment that will do what you want.  It would have to be a special case of a file manager.  I don't have the time at the moment to code such a thing; I would probably work off of some of the open source file manager code to save time.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 12 Aug 2016

That's basically what I'm looking for. For someone that posts events that recur, but are not on a regular date then they can use the same image without having to upload each time. It'll save file storage and hassle.

Quote · 13 Aug 2016

Select from member's albums get a bit more complicated due to the way albums and albums' objects are stored.  We have to query for the member's albums, present them to the member, then the member chooses the album and then query the objects to present them with the thumbnails in the album; then they choose and we insert the thumbnail along with the fancybox class.  There would have to be a lot of changes to the attach file code to allow attaching from an album.

I added the quick uploader to a site and rewrote it to store the files in member's media store. has a switch so that if a member uploads a file with the same name, it just over writes the old file.  That way if a member uploads the same animated gif 20 times it is only stored once.  The uploader could probably be rewritten to perform similarly to the attach image code.  Or another route would be to rewrite the attach image code so that if the same image is uploaded again, it replaces the current image instead of storing another instance of the image.  I am not sure if the attach image stores the image file name as a hash like it does with the photo album's objects.  If so, that could be changed.

The problem of course is if you want to pay for these changes to be made.  Solutions are to be had just not always free.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 13 Aug 2016

I am not adverse to paying for solutions to get my implementation working the way I want it to.

Quote · 14 Aug 2016

So you want the attach button on posts and events to allow one to attach images from their photo albums.  Is this correct?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 14 Aug 2016

I think it would work best as a TinyMCE plugin that selects from the Albums. The picture/video/sound could then be placed at the appropriate place in the text and the resizing options are already sorted.

Quote · 15 Aug 2016
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