webhproDesigncustom, designOpen budget1 bids$3000 average bid6th of January 2011

who can design an educational website?

i need someone (or group of people) that can design an educational website that has the following interactivity


About Us (6 pages)
Values and Mission
Who we are
What we do
Careers with us (Online form)
Accreditations & Certifications

Our Services (4 pages)
Services for Students
Services for Universities
Migration Services
International Job Placement Services

Solutions (3 pages)
Training Solutions
Coaching Solutions
Facilitation Solutions

Recruitment Cell
On Campus Education
Distance Education
Marine/Maritime Education

On selecting the education type, list of countries will be displayed.
On selecting the country, list of universities in the country for which the service is offered by the company 
will be displayed.
User will have the option to view the name and description of the university.
user will also have the option to view the website of the university.
If the user wants to apply to that university then user can place the enquiry.
An online enquiry form will be displayed, user has to fill the form and send it to admin.
The details will be stored in the database and will be available in the admin section.
Admin will have the option to add the education type, country and university details in his login.

Quick Links (4 pages)
Admission Requirements
Travel Visa Assistance
Pre-Departure Briefing
What Steps To Follow

Case Studies
On selecting this option, list of case study title will be displayed.
On selecting the title of the case study, full details of the case study will be displayed.
User will have the option to download the brochure for the case study.
Admin will have the option to add the case study details in his login.

On selecting this option, the list of article categories will be displayed.
On selecting the category, the list of articles posted will be displayed.
On selecting the title of the article, the user can view the full details of the article.
User can post the comment to the article.
He will also have the option to bookmark the article and comments with social networking websites.
Admin will have the option to manage the comments in his login.
User will have the option to report the article or comment as abuse.
Once user reports the article or comment as abuse, an alert mail will be triggered to the admin 
regarding the same.
Admin can view the article or comment and delete it accordingly.
Admin will have the option to add the category and post the articles in login. 

On selecting this option, the list of blog categories will be displayed.
Here user cannot create the category.
On selecting the category, the list of blog title will be displayed.
User will not have the option to create the blog title.
On selecting the title, the user can view the full description of the blog
He can post the comment for the blog.
The comment will be displayed in the site once it is posted.
Admin will have the option to manage the comments in his login.
User will have the option to report the title or comment as abuse.
Once user reports the title or comment as abuse, an alert mail will be triggered to the admin regarding 
the same.
Admin can view the title or comment and delete it accordingly.
Admin will have the option to add the category, title and description in his login.

Post your Resume
User can send the resume to the admin.
On selecting this option an online form will be displayed.
User has to fill the online form, upload the resume and select “Submit” option.
The details will be sent to the admin.
Admin will have the option to view the details in his login.

Job Board
On selecting this option, the list of job opening available will be displayed with the details of Title, location
and Experience.
On selecting the title of the job, full details of the job will be displayed.
User can apply for the job. To apply for job he has to select “Apply job” option.
On selecting “Apply Job” option an online form will be displayed.
User has to fill the online form, upload the resume and select “Submit” option.
The details will be available in the admin section.
Admin will have the option to add the job details in his login.

Site Search
Using this option, user can search for the details in the website.

This option will be displayed on the home page.
User can subscribe for the newsletters.
He has to enter the email id to register for the newsletter.
The details will be stored in the database and will be available in the admin section.
Admin will blast the newsletter mails using third party tool.

News and Events
On selecting this option, list of news and events of the company will be displayed.
On selecting the title of the news, full details of the news will be displayed – Title, description and image.
Admin will have the option to add the details of the news in his login.

The testimonials given by the students will be displayed here.
Testimonial will have the contact & details of student name, description and photo
Admin will have the option to add the testimonial details in his login.

FAQ (1 page)
The list of frequently asked questions will be displayed in this page.

On selecting this option, an online enquiry form will be displayed.
User can contact the admin using this option.
User can contact the admin through email, SMS and by internet phone call.
If user contacts the admin through mail, then the enquiry will be sent as mail to admin.
If users contact the admin through SMS, then the details of the user will be sent to admin via SMS. Admin 
will contact the user manually. (Client has to purchase the SMS package to avail this option)
If user can talk to the admin via internet phone. Admin must be online to chat with the user. (Client has to 
purchase the third party internet calling software to avail this option)

Contact Us
On selecting this option, contact details of the company will be displayed.
A map location the company will be displayed. Google map integration will be done.
The user can contact the admin using this option.
On selecting the “Contact Us” Option an online form will be displayed.
User has to fill the online form to place the enquiry
The details will be mailed to the admin.

User will have the option to bookmark the site with various social networking websites.

Terms & Conditions
The list of terms and conditions will be displayed in this page.

Privacy Policy
The details about the privacy policy will be displayed in this page.

Site Map
The links that are present in the website will be displayed here.
On selecting the link, the user will be redirected to the particular webpage.

Visitors – Hit Counter Tool
This option will be displayed in the footer section of all the pages.
It will show the no of visitors who has visited the site


Admin Login
 Login for admin users
 Change user name and password for admin users

Recruitment Cell Admin
 Option to create “n” number of categories under recruitment cell
 Add, Modify and Delete the category name
 Option to create “n” number of countries under categories
 Add, Modify and Delete the country name
 Option to create “n” number of university under the country
 Add, Modify and Delete the university name
 Add, Modify and Delete the description
 Add, Modify and Delete the website URL
Recruitment Enquiries Admin
 Add, Modify, Delete and View the enquiry details
 Search for the enquiry according to user
 Export the user details into an excel file

Case Studies Admin
 Option to add “n” number of case studies
 Add, Modify and Delete the title
 Add, Modify and Delete the description
 Add, Modify and Delete the PDF file

Articles Admin
 Option to add “n” number of article category
 Add, Modify and Delete the category name
 Option to add “n” number of articles in the category
 Add, Modify and Delete the title
 Add, Modify and Delete the description
 Add, Modify and Delete the image
 Manage the comments posted for the article
 View and delete the abused messages

Blog Admin
 Option to add “n” number of Blog category
 Add, Modify and Delete the category name
 Option to add “n” number of topic in the category
 Add, Modify and Delete the topic
 Add, Modify and Delete the description
 Manage the comments posted
 View and delete the abused messages

Job Openings Admin
 Option to create “n” number of job categories
 Add, Modify and Delete the category name
 Option to create “n” number of jobs in the category
 Add, Modify and Delete the job title
 Add, Modify and Delete the description
 Add, Modify and Delete the experience
 Add, Modify and Delete the company
 Add, Modify and Delete the Location

Job Enquiries Admin
 View and delete the details of the enquiry
 Search for the enquiry according to user
 Export the user details into an excel file

News and Events Admin
 Option to add “n” number of News and Events.
 Add, Modify and Delete the date.
 Add, Modify and Delete the title.
 Add, Modify and Delete the descriptions.
 Add, Modify and Delete the image.

Testimonials Admin
 Option to add “n” number of testimonials
 Add, Modify and Delete the student name
 Add, Modify and Delete the description
 Add, Modify and Delete the photo

Newsletter Admin
 View and delete the details of the subscribed users
 Search for the details of particular user
 Export the user details into an excel file
 Blast the newsletter mails to the user (Third Party Software)

Branding Development
Logo Design 
Multiple Coloring Option for the chosen Logo

Design requirement

 For developing the project, the WEB DESIGNER/DEVELOPER will provide the logo.
YOU will just show us different logo samples to choose from.
 The WEB DESIGNER/DEVELOPER will provide the images/graphics.
 CLIENT will provide all text contents & other relevant information related to the development.
 Home Page + 35 Links
 Unlimited data transfer 
 Each Page with Flash clippings
 Works with asp, php, perl, asp.net
 24 hour FTP Access
 Auto Responder 

AS a developer is you can build this site, please forward the following
* cost for development
*duration for development
*demo (or trial version) sample for the site
*Linke to similar site that have been done before


dnorris12310th of January 2011bid: $3000  timeframe: 21 daysPermalink
depending on complexity send more details
Please login to post a comment.
You can contact www.seemasol.com or www.seemasol.in . they are really good and have helped us in our site building a lot.

very professional and genuine

Please contact DNA Tec Services Inc at www.dnatecservices.com and we can help you with your website. We have qualified web designers, graphic designers. We can also provide you a hosting account for only $3.49 a month with unlimited space and traffic, FTP accounts, 100 email accounts, etc. Please contact me at adamt@dnatecservices.com if you have any questions.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.