modmysite  Advanced New 79 points (87.2% positive, 12.8% negative)
registered 06.10.07

We are ModMySite - and have been doing modifications and support for aeDating and Dolphin since 2003.

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erel9999left feedback on ..20th of April 2011
it's not working :(
dateleft feedback on ..13th of April 2011
I'm looking for someone add the extra to my web site, do you have phone#?
cyberialeft feedback on ..16th of March 2011
Hello, +1 del service.
djdrumnleft feedback on ..3rd of March 2011
Common guys... it's time to remove this or starting offering the service again!
theguypcleft feedback on ..28th of February 2011
This should be removed. There is no service available. There is just a plain text page that says it's coming, but it never does. It's been over 2 months now.

I signed up for the free RMS in the past to test things, and it seemed to work pretty well back then. I don't know what the deal is now, but this shouldn't be offered when there are no services to be had.
very true no service is available so it should be removed
sponzyleft feedback on ..19th of February 2011
not doing anything, waste of time
hipperdehopperleft feedback on ..26th of December 2010
the site is not working :(
Emma VPP
Emma VPPleft feedback on ..12th of December 2010
your are the best thanks so much
kiranpalleft feedback on ..26th of November 2010
Thank you modmysite :)
modmysiteleft feedback on ..17th of November 2010

Added ability to query your account info, and also, to change your domain for RMS hosting yourself.
modmysiteleft feedback on ..17th of November 2010
@ CaltradeOnly

One domain. No catches.
CALTRADEleft feedback on ..13th of November 2010
Wow - cool! Are we allowed to have more than one domain with this offer? What is the catch? :-)
mycitiesfinestleft feedback on ..7th of November 2010
thanks for the service, works great! chat module runs smooth now, thank you!
mrpowlessleft feedback on ..4th of November 2010
perfect... just what people need to get a 'test' to see the video.. thanks a million
Godlike87left feedback on ..2nd of November 2010
Thx 4 the Service but its too slow for me the avarage ping is at 180ms (germany)
yallwaysleft feedback on ..12th of October 2010
nice... too bad it won't work though!
Yallways, in response to your email you sent me... where you were upset that I replied to your post here in Boonex...

First, don't preach to me...

Second, if you want to give the free RMS a negative star, go right ahead.

Have a good day!
Well... seems to work for 300+ other domains... and pushes out 2TB of stuff a month..

So while it may not work for you... it works for plenty of others.

alexyoungbloodsleft feedback on ..2nd of October 2010
I have to really thank you it is amaizing that you provide this service for free thanks a lot it works perfect with my hostmonsters account.
elcentcomleft feedback on ..23rd of September 2010
great service and very reliable. When I joined I had a few things to sort out and it was addressed in a speedy manner and together with practical solution.

Thumbs up!!!
killerhaaileft feedback on ..11th of September 2010
Thanks for this offer, I have some problems to get this working, but its on my PC who gives the problem with access the cam or mike.
pskinsleft feedback on ..23rd of August 2010
excellent service and free! incredible!
modmysiteleft feedback on ..14th of August 2010
UFO360 - Maybe ask the Ray developers for the answer to this question?
UFO360left feedback on ..14th of August 2010
This is beautiful man

Thank's for sharing

But can you tell me why is removing all my chat rooms from the chat when put the settings back to default the rooms are back
KinkyCowboy68left feedback on ..13th of August 2010
Thank you so much for sharing this RMS hosting for all of us to use. Works like a charm and thank you for your quick support.
I'm testing it since a few days and it works very well.
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.