Boonex Licenses

clubbeyourself posted 22nd of April 2009 in Community Voice. 7 comments.

Boonex, first off D7, looking great.  And the announcement of the updates to 6.1.4 are great as well.

A lot of people want to know how licensing is going to work.  Please release this information.

Some of us have sites that have licenses that are getting ready to expire and want to know how the new licensing is going to work before renewing those expiring licenses.

You guys must know by now how this licensing for current editions and future is going to work, so please on behalf of the community, release this information.


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Andrew Boon
It will be announced early next week.
Thankyou unoboonex, this will be a relief to many.
Hey unoboonex. When the the files be released. Can u give me an approximate date?
hi my licenses just expired.
what is better renew it or wait ???
hi does my adfree license for dolphin 6.1.4 (purchased a month ago) includes this upgrade 6.1.5?

12 days have passed since unoboonex said early next week. Can we get info on this please.
what is that with post that left with no replies? no really?
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