Boonex Trac

AntonLV posted 22nd of February 2010 in Boonex News. 4 comments.

Boonex Trac is web-based project management and bug-tracking tool. It includes some very useful features

  • Project management (Roadmap, Milestones, etc.)
  • Ticket system (bug tracking, tasks, etc.)
  • Timeline of all recent activity
  • Wiki
  • etc.


Bug-tracking tool.

If you have Premium status on Boonex Unity, found a bug in the Dolphin script and want to help Boonex to make the script better you may submit it in the Trac. An important thing is that you need to determine whether it's a bug in the script or something was mixed up during the script installation or custom mod creation. The easiest way is to try to reproduce the same error on Boonex demo site, which has the most current and non-modified version of the script. If you get the same error on Boonex demo site then you may be sure that it's a bug in the script and submit a ticket in the Trac.

NOTE. You need to use exactly the same login and password as you are using on Unity. Both of them are case sensitive. If you enter the login name with incorrect case you would be able to login but Trac won't allow you to submit tickets.

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i tried to submit a ticket when i found the delete friends issue, and i received the following error:
TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation

this was before i tried to contact you about it. but now you've opened a ticket for me so i dont have to worry :)
I have a Prime account with Premium status but my access is not working can someone please fix this for me so I can enter into into track. I had this access way back when I was helping with D6 I am now reviewing D7 as a possible migration and would like to contribute more of my testing and findings.

By the way I get the same error

Anton LV IS such a great asset to Boonex Company and the Dolphin very helpful and wise to be so young......Godspeed
Anton LV IS such a great asset to Boonex Company and the Dolphin very helpful and wise to be so young......Godspeed
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.