Calling all contributors for dolphin docs improvement

gkcgautam posted 13th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 17 comments.
Well, we have been working with Dolphin for a long time and we know that it is definitely a great script. But for the last few months, the Unity is becoming like a dustbin for foolish questions where people post questions just to post and show others that they too are there in Unity. All this is happening due to lack of a complete Dolphin documentation. Though answers to some common questions can be found at Trac, people still post them because they don't even bother to visit Trac once.
 Now all of us need to do something to stop all this rubbish and shut the mouth of all those people which keep shouting 'Dolphin doesn't come with a Documentation'. I am calling all those guys, who consider Dolphin as a nice script and want to contribute to its development, to come and help in the making of a nice Dolphin Documentation. Though i had initially taken this initiative to make a Dolphin Docu, i could not keep my promise due to several problems. Being a student, i don't get much time to working on the Docu after taking out time from my other web works as i'm  just a social web designer who helps people through web activities. Secondly, as the new Dolphin 6.1 is going to arrive soon, much of my work has gone wasted as lots of modifications have been made in Dolphin.
 Now i don't think i will get sufficient time to work on the complete Documentation.  What  we guys can do is that  everyone can post here something which he/she thinks that can be included in the Docu. The Pundits can keep coming to this post and if they find something useful, they can add it to trac.
  This would really help Dolphin to face those people who don't even care to understand it before posting their negative views here. Guys lets work together to contribute to Dolphin.Smile
Boonex i will try my best to contribute to Dolphin.
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You can also post here little code modifications which can be helpful. Like showing 3 members instead of 6 on home page, Removing some content from Stats block, etc.
I have a few tutorials on my site. There is also a resources page that points to other sites that might be helpful.
Thanks jtadeo for offering your hardwork for dolphin docs. I would try to add necessary tutorials to the dolphin docs n wud request the other Pundits to do the same. You yourself being a Pundit can do this as you get time. Thanks a lot for ur comment.
I am very familiar with jtadeo's work and he does some excellent tutorials. The answer may not be in tutorials, however. There is a lot of fine work out there but it is not organized well. Time must be taken to write clear, step-by-step procedures, organize them, and publish them in ONE place for all to find.

I am a technical writer and would be up for doing some of the work. The big thing would be to start with an operational section on the default Dolphin installation, explaining (in detail) see more what each menu selection, function or control does. We could then proceed into other areas such as installation, modifications and troubleshooting.

Waddya think?
The answer is to create a concise written document that is either included in the download or available linked from the download page.

No one should have to spend even one second searching else where for answers.

Although the tutorials by our pundits are indeed helpful additions they do not preclude the need for proper documentation to be INCLUDED with the download.
I agree.

But who is going to do it if we don't?
Well...all of u are right...and we are trying to do that only. Once we are finished with a nice documentation, it may be included in the download or may be available separately for download. I took the initiative to work on the same, but due to studies, i'm not able to work on that all alone. We should form a team to work on the Docu. Getting the docu added to Dolphin would be my responsibility. If we are able to make a good Docu, it would definately help Dolphin and all those who work on it might see more get something in return from Boonex.
Alk those who are interested can mail me at
I am willing to help, but I would like to point out the obvious here.

Until 6.1 stable is released and we know exactly what we are writing about we would pretty much be spinning our wheels.

We could though, start planning and making a general outline of what that document should contain and get started in that way.
You are correct. Let me post a book plan (outline) and you guys can have a hack at it. I have some free time this week. Lets say I post it by 4/16/2008 to I will forward a copy to you upon furnishing me your email address.

I am at

The unfortunate thing about the whole project is that it will be an uphill climb and we will always be behind the curve of revisions.
gkcgautam both are the new versions keep coming...changes are required in the Docs. But that's a must. We can initially start with those Dolphin parts which are same in both 6.0 and 6.1 . We will continue the work untill the release of stable 6.1 in this manner and would later include remaining sections.
I think we should also include a Code Modification Doc in which we can write about some small changes which can be made to Dolphin. I would request everyone here atlest contribute to it see more by writing some small code modification tutorials/notes. We can also take help from jtadeo's as he has given permission to. Rest we can decide by mail conversation.
I am in and forwarded my email address to you both.
Now anyone can contribute to dolphin docs by sending their writeups to ------
Your efforts would be acknowledged.
I think this is an excellent idea, before reading this post i just added a post to sying we need a user guide (idiots) . I am new to dolphin, but would be willing to assist in the creation of such a document as it would be an excellent way to finding out the answers to my own problems rather than trawling all the forums.
I had created for the purpose to drill down in questions and answers.

It allows for Text, Audio, Video (from source file or your computer mic and cam)

I would be interested in customizing this even further to address the needs we need to complete.

If i am asked to speak whatever comes to my mind after reading your post, then i would say that we ned your participation for making a good Dolphin docs. You have already contributed so much to Boonex products development and your site shows your dedication. Definately docs can't replace, but they can definately improve conditions of Unity. I would request you to be a part of this noble act because without a person like you, our team would be nothing. As i mentioned see more earlier, i took the initiative few weeks back to make a documentation for dolphin but due to my studies burden, i could not continue my work for long time. Now i want that other's should takeover this work and i would help in work distribution and other such activities. Hope that you would accept my request. My e-mail address is
I will email you shortly..


I already started translating the documentation into Dutch a while ago. Meanwhile, lots of items have been added, so I'm a little bit behind. As soon as I get the new script working smoothly, I'll continue the translation.
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