Cannot upload audio or video files larger than 2 MB... (have changed settings in admin)

Amanual posted 24th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 15 comments.
I have gone into the administration panel and altered the settings of Max audio file size and max video file size to much larger limits than 2mb... Audio is set to 100mb max and video is set to 250 MB max... BUT! I still am unable to upload files larger than 2MB...

What should I do?

I'm having multiple errors and would not be pleased with needing to reinstall dolphin...
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its not only dolphin settings

you must change too the settings in php.ini
upload_max_filesize =
and restart httpd server
Check out the link below, it might help with troublshooting your upload/download problems:
ok... but where do I find php.ini? i searched through the files of my dolphin directory and could not locate it...
php.ini is not in the dolphin directory it is in your server somewhere if you do not have a dedicated server you may not even have access to it...

you can change the setting in .htaccess

this file is in your httpdocs or home directory

open this file in a text editor and add

php_value upload_max_filesize 5m

at the top of the file... you can make the 5 whatever you want for max size...

hope this helps

I am having the same issue with my site. So all I have to do is go into the htacess which is in which folder? and change the size?

Is there a set size that I will see that I can just change to a larger value? If so could you tell me what it is so that I can do a find and find it easy and change it? Thanks :)
Thanks.. ill get on the phone with my web hosting provider techy now... hope i can get this sorted out...
Damnit... My webhoster wont give me access to the php.ini

I need to do the .htaccess thing... >.<

Is there a good tutorial somewhere?
Eureka... thanks problem solved...

That's 2 problems fixed in the last 10 minutes... love this forum!

Now that just leaves my problem with Orca.
... spoke too soon...

I edited the .htaccess file to have 500M potential upload... but now instead of 2M its 8M... not 500M

php_value upload_max_filesize 500m
php_flag register_globals Off
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule .+ - [L]
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1 [QSA,L]

Is there anything else I can do?
500mb lmao. are you trying to upload "Gone with the wind?"
as you are on shared hosting, remember that your host will drop your site in a heart beat if you abuse their limits.

All shared hosting sells:
Unlimited Bandwidth: (meaning you dont know the limits we allow you)
Unlimited disk space: (meaning you dont get told what we'll allow you)
Unlimited Email accounts: (meaning, if we get just 1 spam report you'll get your ass banned)
24/7 chat support: ( meaning, the baboon you talk see more to has no idea what a CPU is, and thinks a RAM chip, is when a goat butted your paintwork on your car, but the Baboon would do well with the crayons and colouring book, if we can just get him to stop eating the crayons.)
Wonderful... but at least 250 mb.. I want to upload some of my own personal video files and stuff...

Also... I have ipower hosting.. its the sickest deal ive found....
god i started off with ipower 5 years ago and dumped them after 3 years, i spent 2 years of that trying to get them to change my account email address, i also had my server act up so they said they would give me an other one, but wanted $50 to move my files, why should i pay when it's their server thats broken? well my site was offline for 2 days while the baboon kept send me emails to an old account, (yea they still didnt chage the email after 18 months of asking,)
then the server the put me on see more was an old one and my site wouldnt work with the older mysql on it, so my site was down for another day while some cow at ipower tried to tell me that i am getting the database error because the domain hasn't resolved yet and i might have to wait 24 hour more.

well if it aint resolved, how come it's telling me the database is no good?

just shows how much ipower staff knew, so i left them and i have never looked back,
Ipower has sucky tech support... takes like an hour to get through...

But their prices vs service is excellent...
i use
i have the free host .
I have full access to php.ini , mine is set by them at max upload size=200m
I can upload mp3's , but after they upload , it gives me a error report . When i ftp to my server the files are there , but with a 600 not 755 or 777.
Dolphin is set up properly as Everything but mp3 uploads work , i have taken off video uploads .
safe mode is off and i have php exec privelages .
the people at expertzzz are no help , all the tell me is that it is my php.ini see more file .
But with full access , safe mode off and 200m max upload they are full of crap .
It has to be a db error , or a bug in one of the dolphin php files that does not chmod my files to 755 .
I do have auto approve set on all media , and ray modules set to a max of 12.5 m

Anybody have any ideas ?
why is it that if I try to add in the following lines:

php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
php_value post_max_size 20M

I will get an 500 internal server error message? Is there something I should remove or add from htaccess.htm?
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