D7 template club

Profesize posted 7th of November 2009 in Community Voice. 11 comments.

With the ever impending release of D7 RC1, I thought that a pleasant distraction would be to begin a discussion on styling our newly, soon to be upgraded sites (he says with fingers crossed).


Coming from a design background myself, one thing which to me is almost as important as getting the coding and funcionality of D7 to the point of complete stability, is the presentation and look of my site.


If we can all make suggestions on changes we have made and talk about things that we found or are finding difficult and how we dealt with them then it may save others the pain of re-inventing the wheel so to speak.


I have begun working on some changes myself based on the default template in D7B8. I am currently working on the CSS files and altering the image files in /templates/base/ in the hope that it won't change too much, if at all from the official RC version when it eventually is released.


So please post your ideas and thoughts.


And yes oh you wonderful boonex staffy people, I do realise that this could be seen as a technical question which should be in the forum, though I would rather see it as a more creative blog where we can all help eachother as boonex evolves into an even more dynamic piece of community software.

Please login to post a comment.
Something simple but still quite effective is to change the colour of the login window border.

Look for the following five .png images in /templates/base/images/


Using something like photoshop, change the hue/saturation to whatever colour you like best. When doing so, if you save the colour you chose by clicking save in the hue/saturation popup then if you want to reference the exact colour in the future, all you need see more do is click on load and choose the file you saved previously.

It's up to you whether you keep the images as opaque/transparent or as solid images.

One more hint to save you time, make a copy of the image folder just in case you stuff up and need to start again.
Speaking of the login form....

In the file: inc/js/jquery.dolPopup.js

If you change:

if (o.fog && !$('#dolPopupFog').length) {
$('<div id="dolPopupFog" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</div>')
position: 'fixed',
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: $(window).width(),
height: $(window).height(),
see more opacity: o.fog.opacity,
backgroundColor: o.fog.color,
zIndex: 999


if (o.fog && !$('#dolPopupFog').length) {
$('<div id="dolPopupFog" style="display: none; background-color:#000000;">&nbsp;</div>')
position: 'fixed',
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: $(window).width(),
height: $(window).height(),
opacity: .8,
// opacity: o.fog.opacity,
// backgroundColor: o.fog.color,
zIndex: 999

....then you can have control over the background behind the login box. I made this change because I have a dark image tiled on my pages and I wanted the background to turn darker, instead of white.

I commented out the existing lines. I hard coded the opacity. Then I added the background-color style element to the dolPopupFog div.

When I first did this, there was no way to change it in css, so that's why the changes to js. You just have to remember to make the changes after an upgrade.

Then, to change the backgound behind the popup login box, just change the background color of the dolPopupFog div. Change the opacity to any value between 0 and 1.
I agree that the block title colour is too dark. Maybe try white on the text. I would also use white text for the top menu and not teal as the teal stands out too much. If you want to use the teal in your logo, maybe try it on buttons and menus when you hover over them with some transparency to the teal.

Otherwise I would say it is quite well balanced.

My site I'm afraid to say will be more corpoate looking and not as exciting.....lol!
check my template :P www.xiro.ca
Block title text is too dark and can't be read. Drop down menus are difficult to read.. they could use a little higher background opacity. That light teal colored text is difficult to read against a white background.

Other than that.... looks OK.
Oops! Replied to the wrong post. Would be nice if you could move your own replies on your own blog.......hmmmmm!

Anyway.....I agree that the block title colour is too dark. Maybe try white on the text. I would also use white text for the top menu and not teal as the teal stands out too much. If you want to use the teal in your logo, maybe try it on buttons and menus when you hover over them with some transparency to the teal.

One more thing....the images for the buttons on block title bar are see more a bit rough around the edges.

Otherwise I would say it is quite well balanced.

My site I'm afraid to say will be more corporate looking and not as exciting.....lol!
Being able to edit your own replies in your own blog would also be handy....

I meant to say that my site will have to have a less exciting and more corporate feel than yours Xiro. Nice work though.....did it take you long?
Hello Everyone

Just wanted to get some feedback from the masses as to their thoughts about the idea of sharing template ideas as it seems that one Boonex staff member gave a negative vote towards the blog.

I thought we were here to assist eachother....or am I being foolish?
Quite strange if you ask me...
I do like the template clubs idea and all, but also would like to have alternative ways of information channels on D7 and their platforms in general... a 3rd party forum or something maybe... i know we shouldn't think of diverting all this knowledge to separate sources but it might do some good!
You make a good point but until someone takes that bold step I was hoping that we could swap info via a blog for now.

Have you started work on your new template yet or will you be sticking with the default?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.