Dolphin 6 install timeout at line 1727 ?

Trey posted 12th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.
Hello, I have run this many times. I always get the MySQL timeout of 30 seconds at line 1727 in install/index.php
The database is created and has tables and records at least upto the admin fields which doesn't take my input from the install form.

I am also having a "Path" problem on php. I tried everything possible. The root is http://localhost:8000/ and there is a php directory with php.exe in it

Suggestions ? Please Help

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are you sure that you have full database access permissions?

And are you installing apache locally on your computer along wirth PHP and MySQL?

People should know taht if tehy are installing Dolhin and Ray locally on their computer, then they are going to be limited to the bandwidth levels that are set out by their ISP, you could have to purchase additional ISDL or someother high level bandwidth source.
Thanks for the response !!

I have several things going. first i am installng Dolphin + the others on a production box at my home. I have two dedicated servers from GoDaddy but I do the work first on the production box.

that matching apache server in my production box has been up and running for almost two years with updates and the needed versions of php MySql and all the other packages involved.

in other words this isn't my first install and I know a little about paths.

there must be see more something in the install and I thought someone might have had the issue before and could help.

I guess I should have explained better in my post.

Again thanks for the response.

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