
LightWolf posted 29th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 26 comments.
Here are my hosting specs-

Apache version2.2.8 (Unix)
PHP version5.2.5
MySQL version4.1.22-standard
Operating systemLinux

My problem is with my profile music. I can get it to upload,but it doesn't show on music player. I go into my site as a member and upload a profile music file. All things go great and it uploads then says pending. After awhile it shows that it was excepted. I have logged out and cleared cache and went back and looked and no profile music.but if i login and look at my profile music, it shows pending again Now i have allowed members to load with auto approved in admin section,but even when i go into that section it does not show any profile music for my test member account.
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Go to admin->plugins>ray suite> pmusic player->settings then click on auto approve...
...otherwise you will have to go thru each member to see if they uploaded anything...sometimes it doesnt show music to be approved at main admin section....
RE:Now i have allowed members to load with auto approved in admin section,but even when i go into that section it does not show any profile music for my test member account.
Now my issue is with the video player. It is registered and activated, and i can use it in admin section,but when i click on members video the video gallery box is empty and the player is not found,also when i go to my test member account,player not shown. I am just installing this so will post as problems arise. If you can help i would appreciate any info. But please read what i post as to not make me repeat ,
Okay i fixed the profile music but still have no video player. Not sure if this is a server eror,so will wait and see as they have been doing maintenance on server lately.
There are 2 video players just like 2 music players..."P" as profile player and just a player( for gallery)
They all should be in your ray suite...just go thru all of will get status message...install or register....but you have to watch where you instaling your files ( music or video) is you are signed in as a member, click on my will see "upload profile video"....thats for members profile you as a member click on videos on top nav bar....and see more then "upload video" that file will go to gallery, not profile.
====about items not shown......try to go to
admin--->bulders--->there choose what page you want to at the time...lets say profile--> you will see bunch of blocks just muve them around and see what happenes on th efront I do it....
in on IE I sign in as a member in second as admin
in first I open profile page in second (admin side) I move blocks around, then on the first one hit refresh....
Note...let say video player gallery on it when its in active area....a small window will will have an option to choose who will see it....visitor and/or members
you just need to play around using 2 Internet Explorers until you get used to the program.
I hope this helps
Okay i did a fresh install and now the video player is trying to load in the space for it. But says widget not registered. But it Will try one more fresh install..grrrr
Okay this was 3 rd fresh install of the free dolphin 6.1.0 and it still says my video player is not registered. Every widget in my admin section is registered and activated Any ideas?
Oh by the way,i have tested this with IE7 and with Mozilla (which is my main browser)
It seems to be only the video player that is not working. All other widgets are fine.
It seems to work fine in the admin section..This is odd,anyone?
if you ar eusing adfree video player...sign on unity and click on licences....than click on get free licences( make sure your pop up blocker is off) and type your web site address in new window that opens( a small one)....then see what licence number is stored next to video player and go back to admin--> plugins-->>ray suite>>>video player...and type your newly generated licence....once you finish, if everything is ok ( right licence number) you will see that your site is registered see more next to video player under licences( unity section)...
There is no need to reinstall the whole thing.
I am using the free version. No place to place new license :-(
Is there a way to change the footer bg color so to blend in with my black ground site? I have checked all css files,and nothing. Is it in a script that i can accesses?
I don't know if this is the only way to do it but i just re upload all the xml's (in every module) and i re-register them...
Thank you lalakis i will try that.
Okay i tried what you said and also did a fresh install for the 3rd time..ughhhhh Still video player says not registered. I can use it in admin section but just not as a member.I have not had this problem before. All my other widgets register and work great. Must be something small...but what???
urghhh make that 4th fresh install..sorry.
Have you check the membership permissions?
Okay i figured it out about my video player not showing. What i did was go here and download Free Ray Suite 3.5. I replaced my rays folder with this and just followed the easy install instructions. Took 10 seconds :-) So if you have dolphin 6.1 free and have same issues with video player,follow what i did and then smile!!
what i can say!!!
everyone of us is a different case for dolphin.
Yes this must make it hard for a outsider to Well reading about and just playing around with dolphin sometimes has its just reward. Anyways hope this info helps someone,and if download not available,i can send a copy.
Now one to another issue. Does anyone know how to change the background color of dolphins logo in footer. My site is I have checked all css files,and nothing. Is it in a script that i can accesses? I don't see it as a image i can paint black either.
I have the problem of the profile music saying Not registered.

Would getting the new ray solve that?
yes try installing the ray pack above.
can any one help me by saying the video uploading function where this task is performing in dolphin ?
it is very urgent. Please help me

and I also want to create new video uploading section name "comedy video".

Can any one help me please. How can I do it...??
can any one help me by saying the video uploading function where this task is performing in dolphin ? and if I want to change the video uploading path then what should I do ?
it is very urgent. Please help me

and I also want to create new video uploading section name "comedy video".

Can any one help me please. How can I do it...??
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