Hosting A Happy Dolphin

mydatery posted 29th of July 2009 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

We have all been there if we've been around Dolphin for any amount of time, a site that just will not run no matter what we do with it.  Why?  After all, everyone else can get their Dolphin to behave, perform tricks, jump hoops, heck some will even sing and dance if you give them the chance, but not yours.  Why?  Why is your Dolphin behaving like a two year old when you ask it to perform a simple function like create a profile, and everyone elses is doing amazing things?

Well, let's take a look at that.  If you have been around Unity here for more than 20 minutes, then you will notice that there is a list of Hosting Providers that is recommended by Dolphin.  Notice, there is no hosting Advertisers that are not on the Dolphin Approved List.  Have you ever wondered why that is?

Well, that is because Dolphin is a software program, just like those Video Games that you love to buy at the local Game Store.  Ever notice how you have to flip them over and check the technical requirements of the game before you buy it?  After all, if you take it home, open it and discover it needs Windows XP with 1GB of Memory and you only have Windows 98 with 256MB of memory the Game still will not take it back.  Well, what do you do?  Give up on playing the game?  Upgrade your system?  Replace it?  The choice is yours.

If you give up on playing that game, then it's just going to sit there in the corner and your going to get madder and madder at your old windows 98 computer for being such a technical wimp. 

You could upgrade, but that depends on the processor and such as to whether or not you can get to Windows XP and most of the time it's just not worth trying to upgrade that 12 year old computer to get it to work for 1 game. 

So, your left with finding a new computer just so you can play your game.  Lucky for you, getting a new system that has Windows XP and higher OS and 1 GB of Memory is sorta like walking out your front door and looking for pebbles by the street, they are everywhere. 

Well folks, consider it like this.  Dolphin is the new video game and you need to have certain things on your server in order to play the game.  If you don't then it's going to run like that game would of run on your Windows 98 Computer, not very well if it runs at all.


We've all seen the ads for free hosting, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage space, unlimited usage and tried them out to discover they are about equal to  20 year old 486 computer that you have to have a floppy available every time you boot it. 

In the end, if you want your Dolphin to do tricks and amaze all your friends, then do it a favor, make sure you give it a proper home.  Make sure it has plenty of memory and storage space, treat it like a member of the family by giving it all the things it needs.  Don't try to stifle it with a php.ini file that takes away all it's power and denies all it's permissions.  It just won't be happy.

I have had the chance to not only experience different hosts on my own, but also to experience different hosts that others have used outside of the dolphin approved list.  Guess what.  I have never seen Dolphin run successfully at 100% on any host that was not approved by Boonex to run Dolphin.  There's a reason for that.

So, in the end, be nice to your Dolphin, it deserves the best you can give it and use a Host that is


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There are a few not on their list that work well. Mostly the ones not on their list that work well don't pay them big affilliate commissions so they omit those ones. The ones on the list do work, but also you check how much they pay in affiliate commissions and you will find the ones that pay premium bucks are the ones you see. Hover over the links and they all are affiliate links. I'm not sure what dosdawg pays I think he is a little more down to earth, but the others are $50-$110 per pop. So that see more is why you see them. Granted they do work but there is a little $'s involved to make that list.

Hostgator will try as much as they can to get out of paying commissions. It's possible to talk them into more than the $50 if you know what to tell them. Same with a few others.

The 2 that don't make this list that pay well and on time, without trying to get out of anything are hostmonster and bluehost. I have had good luck with dolphin installs on both and they are very prompt at paying. Installing dolphin is a breeze at each.

The big thing is some don't realize is there are cgi servers and apache module servers. Cgi setups you can use php.ini and apache module you need to use .htaccess to accomplish similar.

Cgi setups you files generally remain owned as your account so you can edit as you please. Certain files in an apache module setup get owned by the server or 99 nobody, then you can not edit them. You have to ask your host to change them back to your account.

Some regard cgi setups as slower but more secure. It's a matter of preference for some.

This is in regards to a shared environment. If you have vps or dedicated you have control this if you know what you are doing.

The host does make a difference to making dolphin work right simple and easy compared to others that are not setup or properly configured for it, but there many that don't make there list that can still do it by all means.

Mostly the majority on the list are about money in terms of referral commissions or other politics.
Like what I'am doing, to host on my server some others sites to. Very fast cgi based server :)
Good analogy! I can remember trying to play a great game on a less than great computer, and having to upgrade.

Actually had a host I was very happy with that I am still using for other sites, but they wouldnt let me change certain permissions on executables. Therefore, for my pending Dolphin site I went with Arvixe, and dont have any complaints so far....of course, Im not currently running a live site yet:), which always comes with surprises that you didnt think of.

Good post.
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