If the experts are experts why? Questions for boonex staff!!!!!

bambie posted 10th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 5 comments.
If the team of boonex are experts at doing these scripts why on earth are there so many errors, why all the big news saying new version best ever, personaly i would call it the best script and version if there was not so many bugs. I would say it has great features but not best. There was a post i saw saying it was going to be bug free but all i see is more and more errors being fixed and added to the patch, and can i say a patch is not a upgrade its what it says a PATCH.

Why not create the new virsion with a upgrade option? Upgrade wiill be simple and would not have to wait for it. OSDATE, Handshakes and others you install it and then when they do the upgrade they have it in the new version and you have a choice when uploaded of doing a fresh install of the script or if your doing a upgrade.

Or is it the fact every time a new virsion comes out, it is never 100% tested and fix of all errors?

Maybe you should have a tester site and teem, where you have the new script installed and then you have a team that is commited to testing every aspect of the site out and to report errors on site in the orca forum, then you fix the errors and when all errors are fixed release a compleat 100% bug free virsion.

Giving out the beta version to people is not the best thing as some people who do try to install the script do not know what there doing. So they are bound to come out with error this and error that.

Also if people who do use dolphin as a site and have it up and running and want to test the new version, maybe they should do print screens of the error and e-mail it.

Over the last year i have done a lot of tweaking with the script  and i have my own support ticket system on my site to help fix errors, if i can not find on here. I look at the script and try to fix my self and in most situations i have 98% success rate.

Also last week the patch was ment to come out, it did not i guess because of errors flooding in, maybe in futre do not say it will be out unless there is a confermed date as a target or just tell people they will get a email when released.

I would like answers to these please.



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Second that

6.1 should never have been released, 6.0 was still so buggy Orkin could have retired there. but nobody cared, yes there are those of us who volunteer to fix things, and boonex just keeps finding something else to sell, as well as Rayz. they dont care as long as the money keeps coming in, they are not worried with fixing anything. if we all jus tquit using this script for a few months, make them get the bugs out, then do a release, it would give them a change of heart. i am sure they see more are swamped, dolphin/ray/orca has a ton of potential, but its so buggy from version 6.0 to 6.1 that many are turned away from it. there are just so many who install it and dont know what to do afterwards.

i have ran just about every cms portal that is open source and some that arent, and i can attest that this is by far the worst supported from the developers.

Boonex Get your Act Together,
I agree,
I have been in the Web Hosting Business and running Linux Servers since 1994. I have installed and worked with many Scripts... PHP, CGI, Perl...etc

Dolphin has the potential to being the Best Ever Dating, Business portal, Community Building Software.

It does seem the People at Boonex do not care about fixing as long as People continue to PAY! I have Paid for Ad-Free Licenses, Contributed to Expertzz... Even Considering buying the Smartpack... I have gotten a little help (key word see more little) But not the Support I would expect.

I have built a solid Reputation on Customer Support and With over 300 Hosting Clients and 1500 Members on our Community Site... I still handle all Tech Support myself and have a Response time of 4-6 hours... But Never more than 24 hours.

As I said, I think Dolphin (Boonex) has great potential and love what they are trying to achieve. But, should wait and make sure New Releases should be Bug Free or at least 99% bug free with a minor fix to the 1%.

I would like to see (if Dolphin is to be a universal Community Builder) to have options to enable or disable functions. An easier way to add Custom functions or duplicate a function rename it and customize it.

Over all I am pleased... But agree Support should be better and a New Release should be pretty much BUG FREE.

Always to your Success,
total respect bambie....
This always seems to be the pro and con with coming out with new features.

You have the group of people that kick and scream for the new features and they want them now, but then that comes at a cost of Q&A.

Bambie, I agree with you, and like yourself we have created many of our own systems to validate and alert us to problems and bugs.

Beef, congrats on the Customer Service and Support.. Although we have a Tech Support staff (and mind you in different locations around the globe) we see more still get people that are angry if its takes 6 hours to respond. :-)

Thanks guys for responding to my blog. :)



Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.