My Dolphin Alpha 6.1 Review So Far

zorro posted 3rd of April 2008 in Community Voice. 1 comment.
Not sure if this is the place I need to place my feedback or not. If not can someone from Boonex please let me know where to put this. I was also hoping that I spent quite a bit of time reviewing this and have taken the time to also document my findings that someone from Boonex also take the time to respond to at least some of my questions below.

I spent quite a bit of time going over the new Alpha 6.1. Great work to all that has been involved.

First thing I noticed is how much faster and responsive the new Dolphin is.. Yahooooooooooooooo!

Next I noticed how pretty those search friendly URLs are. This is a huge deal!!! Anyway here is what I have found so far.

Bugs Found so Far:
1. When searching for couples the search results description returns description of one part of the couple such as 42 y/o/ Male. IN most cases that we have seen being a couple on many sites that have couple profiles the desired results would be something more like 42 y/o/ Male & 33y/o Female.

I also see the same problem when viewing any of the Ray features like Chat and other areas like when you register for a group the your profile avatar does not describe you as a couple. It makes an attempt with the double picture thing. But please understand I am in the lifestyle so I know that most couples with these kinds of couple profiles have a single default profile picture so they can be seen together as a couple. To easy to fake you’re a couple when your pictures are all separate. There is also plenty of photo upload area to upload single pics anyway.

When you do a browse members there is also no checkbox for couples. Also if I do a members search for say the male couples profiles will show up. However, if I do a search for female no couples profiles will show up. This tells me there is something tied to the male side of this couples profile. YOU SHOULD be able to search for just females that are not part of a couple. Males that are not part of a couple and also couples.

If possible it would be nice to be able to search for BI females or a couple that has a bi female I think you get the point.

Going back to the search results many times other fields are also offered for things like Him: Straight , 31 215 lbs Her: Bi , 42 130 lbs

2. If you Huber your mouse over any of the Tags you will see they are not completely SEO friendly.

3. Where is the Terms Agreement during signup? I also recommend having an option to upload default photo during signup.

4. When I created a new group I got an error even know it did create the new group.

5. Locks up when you post a topic in a group

6. Topics for groups are not SEO. Also if you Huber over the posters you will see they are also not SEO

7. Topics for groups are not SEO. Also if you Huber over the posters Avatar you will see they are also not SEO

8. There is one default image that is used for couples, males, females. Should have the option of having an image each for all three.

Questions I hope to hear some responses:
1. What is up with the double picture thing on the profile? Kind of confused. As 7 year lifestyle veteran I have pretty good insight to what most couple’s profiles are used for. Never seen a double profile picture. Is there some other meaning I am missing?

2. Where is the Private photos area? All photos should have a way to be assigned to Public or Private and ideally a third option where Personal. Right now I am not seeing even the Public Private option unless I am missing something.

3. Do both Profile photos and Public gallery photos have the ability to be moderated?

4. Does or will the CC Bill payment system work and if so will it work running affiliates for the site in such a way that CC Bill reports back to Dolphin who has paid and who has not so that accounts are active or not based on if they paid as well as credit proper affiliates.

1. It would be nice to have spell check in the WISYWIG Editor for email.

2. It would be nice if you could activate banners for non paid members and inactive for paid members of have an option to have or not have advertisement based on subscription levels.

2. Instead of displaying Date of Birth in profiles it’s better to display age. DOB is way to personal to be publicly displayed for many.

3. IN the public photos gallery there is a public photo agreement before you can upload photos. It would make sense to also have a similar agreement for profile photos.

4. I think there need to be a few more of those little blue information icons in different areas to help people along for example in the search area of the sire for Search by ID, Search by Nickname, _Search by Tag. People need to clearly understand what these are.

5. I agree with another poster on adding social bookmarks using

6. I would be nice to have some kind of RSS or XML feed for events so webmasters your events on your non Dolphin site.

7. I think there should be a way to tie events to groups. For example you could then see all events for a particular group and/or venue. This will only enhance the collaboration online with different groups and members.

8. It seems that the events area needs a little thought as it relates to scalability of a larger site that could have hundreds of events. So I am recommending that the events are listed in order closest to where the registered member resides. The reference for this could be something like the members zip code.

9. I would like to see Dolphin have a way for the site admin to display different ways members have been verified as REAL.! Possibly a various logos could be displayed per member profile depending on the level of validation they have undergone. The site admin could then set the proper validation level. This is different than other members certification.

10. See Ticket #467 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

11. See Ticket #468 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

12. See Ticket #469 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

13. See Ticket #470 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

14. See Ticket #472 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

15. See Ticket #477 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

16. See Ticket #478 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

17. See Ticket #479 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

18. See Ticket #480 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

19. See Ticket #492 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back
If anyone would from the Dolphin team would like to contact me via mail I would be more than happy to share more of my Couples Profile experience as I am in the lifestyle and have no problem showing you some examples. I know for those who are not in the lifestyle may have a hard time understanding the different needs.

I will continue doing more testing over the next few days and report any additional info I find.

Best Regards and good work…!

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excellent observation good post

i dont know where we are supposed to post either. the released it on here, but have not released the new fandangled unity blog. that is to be released the latter part of the month is what i read. so in creating this you may have opened a door for all posts to this subject.

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