Problem with Forums block on homepage

mittalpatel posted 14th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Orca is working fine on my site. But the problem I am facing is, the latest posts aren't being displayed on home page or profile page in FORUMS block. It just displays LOADING image forever.

I have compiled the forum using en button many times. But the problem isn't getting resolved.

Can anyone please tell me what could be wrong? Where am I supposed to make changes?

Thanks in advanced.

- Mittal Patel

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Check whether the javascripts are loaded correctly. Also check your server error log for any restrictions.
surely you read that you are not to post technical issues for your website on the blogs any longer? praveenky, have you read the rules? where your assistance is greatly appreciated, this has been brought to your attention as well as having a splash page come up when a user initiates a blog post.


I just read the popup dosdawg referred to which says..

"Unity Blog is the place to discuss problems, ideas, suggestions related to BoonEx products and the BoonEx company."

So this not a "problem" related to a BoonEx product?

I'm experiencing the same issue and if I can find the answer here or anywhere else on the internet then that's just fine with me.

I think that yelling at Mittal Patel in the way you did was rather rude of you and you owe her see more an apology.

Lighten up. I think you'll get more out of life that way.
So the problem still exists and is to date unresolved! I was hoping to find a Solution to.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.