Still have powered by links on page

dpenner posted 6th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 12 comments.

I bought lifetime ad free license but powered by links are still on our page.

Do I need to have it re-issued?

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I have the same problem. I paid my $39 for an ad free Dolphin yet there are still Boonex links for Orca and Ray on that supposedly ad free copy of Dolphin. No one seems to be able to tell me how to remove those links so I get what I paid for: an ad free copy of Dolphin.
I paid for the lifetime ad free and it was working perfectly until I removed 6.005 and put on 6.1

They have been helpful to me in the past so I am sure they will come through again.
Dolphin, Ray and Orca are different products with different licences...
Well dolphin license is NOT RAY and ORCA, so it will remove the Dolphin links and powered by.

dpenner, if yo purchased the lifetime licenses, then sent an email to boonex (respond to your license email) and they will take care of it ASAP.

Ok so now the dolphin image is gone but the orca image and powered by link is still there. I do not use orca nor would I need it.
Put all the links you like on my Ray and Orca. I paid for an ad-free Dolphin like is advertised on the website. Make my Dolphin ad-free or I want my money back!

"Ad-Free License
$39/year. $99/unlimited. BoonEx software without BoonEx ads or links."

Is this false advertising?
dpenner: I looked at your site and you have exactly what I am talking about.
I sent sales support an email. Last time I talked to them they responded fairly quickly. I would suggest to contact them directly if you have not already done so TxBoxer. I will post back if this gets resolved.
I am also pretty peeved that the ray and orca links are still at the bottom of the page after purchasing the license. Has anybody had any feedback from boonex on this?
Looks like it must be a problem with 6.1 because if you look at this website, it has all the links removed.

(They paid the money so he obviously isn't using a clean version).
Also, have a look at this link.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.