The other side

jerry79 posted 22nd of May 2008 in Community Voice. 7 comments.

Ok, now lets take another view on Dolphin, on the working part.

I got my Dolphin runnning! Im using it without Ray and Orca.

I dont have any Problems, but 4:

1. License

2. New custom page is not working

3. If im adding a new field, like a mutliple selcetion on profile, im only getting the name as: _FieldCaption_EXAMPLE_View

I tried to compile the language settings, but it is still there. Its not showing up as:

EXAMPLE: 1st, 2nd, 3rd

only a

_FieldCaption_EXAMPLE_View: 1st, 2nd, 3rd

4. The mods, there are no mods aviable at the moment.

Im sure, ill be able thru some help, to manage these problems. As far as now, my site works perfect, without any problems.

So, i think, the most of some suggest problems depends on the requirements for the server or on the configuration.

O know im a bad ass for writing this, but i only wanted to show you, its working!!!

And for all otheres, read this again:

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Hey...from which version did u start making ur site? How many upgrades and mods haue u used? And can we see ur site, please?
i was setting up a site with 6.03 at the begining and used some mods, like phpbb etc.
Now im building on another site with 6.1.1.
I will not upgrade the old 6.03 site to 6.1.1, cause i made to many modifications and all that.
The other site has is not released yet.
Also im not sharing any details about me, my site or anything else on any site ;)
That's the main point. You've never upgraded to any new version. Try doing that once and u will find the black side of dolphin. Even our dolphin sites work, the problems occur only during upgrades.
Its not a dolphin thing ;)
You have and you will ever have this problem with every script which you are modifing by yourselfe. You are making changes in the core of dolphin. How should any script or company know, which changes you are making? They can only support you with their core.
You are not able to make upgrades for custom things, this is not possible. When you change a line int that script, how should they know it? ;)
_FieldCaption_EXAMPLE_View, go back to the builders/ fields builder and see if you enter in " caption" something, if left empty then you get _FieldCaption_etc...
Yeah, cheers!
That was exactly the problem ;) Thanks for that tip!
And as everybody else can see, the most bugs depends on yourselfe ;)
Yes on the other side good point!!!
I have a full 6.1 version working perfectly thanks to Andrey.
Just get help from the Boonex guys and have a perfect site.
Andrey has been a great help for me and an inspiration to learning the full potential of Dolphin.
Spam here as asked
If you can afford it get Smart pro.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.