Unity Update and BoonEx.com Uptime. Updated.

Andrew Boon posted 21st of June 2010 in . 23 comments.

First, we have just updated Unity.

- You may see the new, separate "Jobs" module is back again (works similar to the old Expertzzz Jobs);

- Market now shows "Staff picks" (hand-picked products with good reviews, descriptions and from reputable providers);

- it is now possible to create Blog Posts "for Premium members only", so that only Premium members would be able to read it;

- Homepage doesn't show Blog posts of all members anymore (thus saying that Blogs are for personal publishing, not for discussion).

... and some minor updates.


Now, with BoonEx.com...

- Ongoing DDoS attack and Unity update may bring some problems. We are working on it and should make it a lot more stable soon.

- We're still preparing for the move to new servers, and hope to get it done by the end of the week.

Thank you for your patience and sorry for inconvenience.



1. Read the new post about Blogs.

2. "Blogs for Premium only" means that all Advanced + members can still post, but now they have an option to create Posts that only premium members can read.

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Might I suggest blog subscriptions, and a recent blog posts rss feed that we can place on our account page?
Nathan Paton
Could you please further explain the third and fourth points for your Unity update?
Andrew Boon
andrew, also on the market, we are really needing somebody put in charge of moderation of what is being posted there. there are some controversial modules being sold that are clearly illegal and immoral. specifically the profile grabber, auto-online, 3k members, thousands of members. these are mods utilized for deceiving others that the site they are looking at is busy, and fake profiles as has been discussed previously are illegal.

so with that, outside of the certified mods, because that doesnt see more seem to be working, we need some form of moderation on what is being posted.

Andrew Boon
Yes, we need more moderation, and I am looking at different options. With this specific example - 3K members, grabber, auto-online - yes, they are indeed mods designed to deceive, but they are not illegal and are a product for those with freedom of choice. I wouldn't certify, or Staff Pick them, though.
while you guys are updating, do you think you can put categories for the market, this is horrendous how you have to dig through hundreds of template posts that are not even being purchased just to find something like Deano's Tools.

good job on putting the jobs section back up. now can you get some organization on the market, coupled with some moderation on the market?

Andrew Boon
We are working on Categories, but it's a bigger change than it may seem. "Staff Picks" is one of the attempts to bring more order to the Market.
Nathan Paton
Aha, I see. You've added an option for blog posts to only display for premium members. Interesting.

However, it makes no sense to remove user blog posts from the blog home page and keep them hidden. It almost seems like you don't want some things displaying for the public eye to latch onto.
Andrew Boon
We just dont' want new members to take Blogs for a Forums substitute. It's confusing. Still, there may be a bette solution, so we're looking.
I thought Boonex was a democracy and not a dictatorship! there is nothing wrong with the following mods specifically the profile grabber, auto-online, 3k members, thousands of members. if you don't like them then don't use them, dolphin members need every advantage they can get because other scripts like social engine and many others are using the same methods. even commercial paid sites uses this tactic these are mods utilized for deceiving others that the site they are looking at is busy, and see more fake profiles as has been discussed previously are illegal.

besides i can teach any member here how to grab profiles from any site with out a boonex mod using free open source software they can set up in under 5 minutes and snatch profiles from target ANY site other dolphin sites myspace , face book and any dating site of there likening. it ill grab picture profile title and Description. i have had several custom mods that take fake user info to the next level. because the stuff i have is down right immoral i will not even dare discuss the idea or concept behind them :)..... Peace
Andrew Boon
Well, BoonEx is certainly not a dictatorship and not a democracy either. It's a commercial entity - a company. And a comparatively open company.

With that said, I agree that there's nothing wrong with 3K-members-kind-of-mods. We just didn't pick them into "Staff Picks", since they are not our favorite kind.
Wow "thefetishsocial". How do I know that picture is really you? If it is real, please pm me and we can chat...on webcam ;-)
@magnussoft - there is no index page - not even for premium members. The blogs pages can only be accessed from within your member profile.

I already posted about this over in the forums. Andrew, I'm not sure that completely getting rid of the members blogs is a good idea (which is basically what you have done). it makes them as good as useless. Removing any kind of index page will just kill them, no one will bother to post.

I can understand that you want to separate user submitted content from see more Boonex content, but this is not the way to do it.

IMHO, you have just removed the little bit of community you actually had here.

What you have left is not really a blog - its a whole page of posts by you - none of them really classified as blog posts - none tell of what you did this week in relation to Dolphin / Boonex etc. Remember 'web log' = blog = online diary for want of a better explanation. In essence what you have done is kill the blogs to replace it with a news feed.

You would be better off renaming it 'News'

I would suggest that you retain the user blog index, but in a less prominent place. Also making it visible only to premium members, will prevent new users / prospective clients from being able to read what the community thinks about Dolphin, which is my guess to the real reason for doing this.

Andrew Boon
That's not the reason. We have no problem with prospects reading Blogs.

Your suggestion, however, sounds interesting... we might try separating BoonEx Blog/News and Community Blogs into 2 different sections and bring back the Blogs index then, with some changes to comments.
Wow. With blogs going away for all practical purposes, somehow my interest in keeping tabs on the site is looking at a dramatic dip... And I certainly am not going to pay Premium just to get to post an occasional blog here. (Don't get me started on the forums here, and why I dislike using them.)

However, I'd like those Trident news that I was hoping to get when I paid for a Premium account. (I didn't renew for obvious reasons, as noted in an earlier blog of mine).
Andrew Boon
Trident news is the #1 reason why the "For Premium Only" feature has been created.
Code Satori. I agree. I'm finding less and less reasons to come here. As it is - it seems that the only reason I now have for coming here is to answer support questions in the forums, and to be perfectly honest, whilst I enjoy helping others, the whole idea is that there should be a little give and take. So far - I give (quite a bit), and have yet to receive a single benefit from being a member here.

Why are you always complaining?
You only want to get something...
What about writing constructive criticism?
Be happy that BoonEx provides you great scripts & products, otherwise do it yourself!
Can you please correct all bug on 0.2 before (facebook, embed video ...)
thanks for your replies. nice to have some interaction on here from you guys from time to time. i would like to mention you speak of profile grabber as not being illegal, i would certainly beg to differ on that one. accessing those sites and scraping profiles is highly illegal. the auto-online not so much, its immoral, and unethical, and even you mention that the mods are created to deceive, is that the type of reputation that you want to have from the market here.

I believe the profile see more grabber is highly illegal, and could you please look into that further?

Nathan Paton
@Andrew Boon: You lack any understanding at all of these modifications.

These modifications are developed entirely with the intent to deceive people into joining a web site which appears active, but in reality, is empty. They are used by those who instead of using honest effort to build their community, decide to simply hit a button and bingo: thousands of profiles from around the world, with the option to cheery-pick which are shown as online. I should add that many web sites using this tactic see more are also pay-to-join, meaning people are deliberately being deceived to join an empty web site, and pay for it, which is most definitely illegal. I should need not mention as well, that the developers' of these modifications permission to use such photos and various information is most certainly without consent.

I would now like to highlight the Profile Grabber modification, which, as described, is meant to scrape profiles from popular social networking web sites such as Myspace and Friendster, and add them to the web site running the modification, entirely without the consent, or even knowledge of the original profile owners. This is highly illegal, and Myspace and Friendster have already been contacted about this modification, and are investigating it, per a response by their staff to an email alerting them to the modification's existence, as well as information such as your unwillingness to remove them.
Nathan Paton
Andrew Boon, there is no good-will intent with using these modifications: they exist to deceive, and in many cases, even rob good people of their money. Your unwillingness to acknowledge this, let alone act, has lead myself and other prominent members to band together and protest their existence through a complete refusal of support to those found to be using such modifications. I have even begun the compilation of a list of usernames here found using them, and have been receiving numerous usernames see more to be added by members of this community who agree completely with our stance.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.