"Pundits/General" FORUM Is Open For Questions From Newbies!

Juker posted 9th of June 2009 in Community Voice. 46 comments.



Right now Simion, Killerhaai, myself and other Boonex Pundits are migrating to the Pundits Forum to begin answering start-up questions for "Newbies Only" please! Everyone is welcome to participate.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

Personally, I don't know "JACK" that can help anybody but if your ticklish then maybe I can make you laugh.



Pundit (And proud of it!)

Please login to post a comment.
Why don't we answer in the "answers" section? I think that's best place for noob questions.. the forum should be only for debates..
As long as the Moderators are sending Newbies to the Forums I will honor that decision and assist as many as possible there. If the Moderators direct them elsewhere then I will honor that decision as well. How about both places?

You are one of the brilliant ones among us and I hope you will pick somebody who needs help and get started solving problems soon.
My fellow traveler,

You have to be a "Pundito" or a "Pundita" to understand!

Pundits Rule
Does this include tea and biscuits then Juker, im not coming if there's no chocolate digestives :-)
All the tea and biscuits your wee heart desires!
Juker said: "My fellow traveler,

You have to be a "Pundito" or a "Pundita" to understand!

Pundits Rule"

======== Reply separator, just to make sure no one thinks I had anything to do with the above post======

Juker, I really can't believe what I'm reading here. This post is wrong on so many different levels, I really don't know where to begin. I'm really at a loss for words, but I'm sure the community will have plenty to say.

As far as inviting newbies see more to post all their questions in the pundit forum.... what on earth is that going to accomplish??? Quite honestly, this suggestion coming from someone that has not made a single forum post..... until today, absolutely bewilders me. If I could give this post 5 negeatives, I would.

I was really looking forward to being a part of making Dolphin a better script, but posts like this one make me want to quit this group.
Juker said: "My fellow traveler,

You have to be a "Pundito" or a "Pundita" to understand!

Pundits Rule"

======== Reply separator, just to make sure no one thinks I had anything to do with the above post======

Juker, I really can't believe what I'm reading here. This post is wrong on so many different levels, I really don't know where to begin. I'm really at a loss for words, but I'm sure the community will have plenty to say.

As far as inviting newbies see more to post all their questions in the pundit forum.... what on earth is that going to accomplish??? Quite honestly, this suggestion coming from someone that has not made a single forum post... until today, absolutely bewilders me. If I could give this post 5 negeatives, I would.

I was really looking forward to being a part of making Dolphin a better script, but posts like this one make me want to quit this group.
The double post was not intentional, but in this case, it's probably worth repeating.
Juker, has good intentions.. I personally appreciate this.. but what is right is right, on the pundit forum we should only post pundit specific subjects like pundit announcements, testing, bug tracking, bug solutions etc.
You are right, his intension is good, only not in the pundits forums. A special forum groups is better for this.
Ouch! It looks like the resident troublemaker has hijacked another blog posting. Constant negitivity, namecalling, complaining, and false accusations. Some leopards never change their stripes.

People of this ilk always try to smear and distort anyone or anything they can because it's an ego rush.
Welcome to Boonex...xoxoxo
First of all, leopards have spots, not stripes.

Juker, regardless of what the other folks around here think, the only intentions of yours that are obvious to me, are to blow your own horn at every opportunity, since you were elevated to this magical 'Pundit Status'. Personally, I think it's quite nauseating.

The pundit group was expanded for the purpose of QA/QC... period. I'd like to be able to do that without being distracted by egomaniacs.
When a Troll Hijacks your post - Remember DosDawgs solution.

What do you do? The best a­dvice is to ignore the troll. The troll's goal is to disrupt the community and rile up its members. By ignoring the troll, you deny him or her a victory. There's a common phrase that dates back to the early days of Usenet: Don't feed the trolls. Trolls love attention -- depriving them of it usually means they'll lose interest and move on to a different community.

I absoulutely have nothing to say to this see more troll.

The management made a mistake when they only banned one of the troublemakers.
Dude, you're the one that goes around flaunting your pundit status with things like:


Pundit (And proud of it!)

You have to be a "Pundito" or a "Pundita" to understand!

Pundits Rule


I really think it's time for you to initiate a reality check on yourself. Out of respect for Boonex, I won't escalate this by posting your comments to me via PM, but if anyone reading this want's to see those comments, just send see more me a PM. It will give you a good idea what Juker really thinks of this new Pundit group.
I would like a copy of those houston please.
TGPC, LightWolf has since posted a portion of that PM that should give you an idea what my gripe is. The comments are obviously referencing members in this blog post: http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/BoonEx_and_Unity_members_shaping_the_Future_together

There are some other begrudging comments about 3 other members, but out of respect for those members, I'd just as soon not make those public.
Juker, you're not being fair to housetonlively. He raised a valid point and you go around calling him names and attacking him, instead of arguing the point.

He's playing the ball, not the man (that's you, Juker). So why don't you do the same?

For the record, I have always found houstonlively's posts to be insightful. Maybe a bit too direct sometimes for some people's taste, but he never ever plays the man (unlike some people who post here -- some of them, in fact, have resorted to drive-by see more negative posts just to spite individuals they dislike, regardless of how value-laden that person's post/comment is) --- and neither does he call people names.

And houstonlively hardly hijacks posts (I did call him a "blog-jacker" in one my comments elsewhere, but that was done in the spirit of that post at that point in time -- the wink, wink thing).

Ask a good, good friend to look at this (your) post, Juker, and to give you an independent view of the comments from houstonlively and yourself. And don't call him/her names if s/he gives you a view that doesn't jibe in with yours. Do that before you go further with the thrust of your "argument" ....
Hear Juker's so-called "counter-argument" (no, he's not saying these in jest) to rebut the point raised by houstonlively:

"Ouch! It looks like the resident troublemaker has hijacked another blog posting. Constant negitivity, namecalling, complaining, and false accusations. Some leopards never change their stripes.

People of this ilk always try to smear and distort anyone or anything they can because it's an ego rush."


"I absoulutely have nothing to say to this troll.

The management made a mistake when they only banned one of the troublemakers."
Negitivity Breeds negitivity. Ignore the trolls.

This forum post is dead! It has been raped and murdered and it has died.

My friends know who they are and we've had a lot of fun today guys. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Over and Out
Run if you must. I'm wired a little differently.... I prefer to meet challenges head-on.
I see no trolling behaviour here...just pixies ;)
I am disappointed in you juker this statement has me seeing red
"Negitivity Breeds negitivity. Ignore the trolls.

This forum post is dead! It has been raped and murdered and it has died.

There is NO need for using those words!
This is going to get out of hand again. We all have the right to voice our opinion juker but that is over the line!
Juker you are a dear friend but please understand i also feel you are wrong i think the pundit forum should be made private for pundits only also we should be detailed to help support the forum as and when needed whats the point of having the rest of the forum if we have everyone come here ,,

but also that does not allow insults to be thrown in both directions come on guys we all should know better
Just passing a message on....dont shoot the messenger lol.

++from samme++
wow power tripping and belittling all others, i told you this would happen, and i was proven right, but ok i said 3 weeks you managed it in less than 10 days
==end sammie message==
I just read your pm to houston juker and i must say WOW you sure you have a lot of negative energy around your soul. This statement really shows how loving a human you really are.

Your statement juker:It looks like Sammie "Cracked Up" (again) and split the scene but not before strapping us with her drinking buddies as fellow pundits. She forced this crew on the rest of us for her own personal gain and because she can easily dominate them and not in the interest of the company.

You see more REALLY need to back off Sammie before your Karma kicks you in the behind!
I wasn't going to post that, but hey.... why not. You don't clean house by sweeping all the dirt under the rugs.
Sorry Houston but i am getting sick and tired of people trashing Sammie. Especially people that think they are king rooster of this chicken coop!
LW, those comments are a lot more than sammie bashing. Those comments are demeaning to many other members as well. The comments are a good indication of this persons character... or lack thereof.
Wesways, the only insults being thrown around these days are the incessant "Hey everybody look at me, I'm a Pundit" remarks in every single post he makes. It's arrogant, plain and simple.

I am certainly not one to begrudge anyone a little bit of recognition, but this is beginning to make me nauseous.
I am so looking forward to D7's release. Keep everyone busy and productive :D

Right now, I have a few projects that are in limbo waiting for D7. It should be interesting to see what happens with the initial launch.

To be sure, there will be lots of new questions and answers that we can all help each other out with whether you are a Pundit, Whatzit or WhoDunit...

What are you sippin on JT? Me and my fellow drinking buddies might like some.

uhm...sorry houstonlively [gluglugluglug]

...not sure if


I have any more drink for...gluglugluglug...


See? It's empty.

Maybe next time around.


ahhhhh here ya go!

A virtual Coronal Slushy from my fridge.

I just want to state categorically that I like & respect you all - PUNGENT or not.

Thank God (or Allah, or whoever) I'm a mere Contributor, not a PUNGENT :)
thanks for the last 10 minutes. it was really funny to read this blog. ;-) And i´m really looking forward to D7 too.
i like this community.
I like this community too chrixxi, like one big family and we really all love and care for one another...

(sorry ive just stopped smoking yesterday and the extra oxygen must have got to my brain and made me delirious)



The pundit and proud of it (erm whats a pundit do again are we the one's who sweep up and empty the trash or the ones that make the tea)....Its so confusing this cooperate lark..

Hey Tyke, keep it up man, I know how hard it can be stopping smoke... thumb up for you
yep good on ya Tyke i really should follow your brave travel down the road of not smoking

Talking of Tea heres a nice cup of Tea for everyone only problem is i forgot the biscuits
Intentions are good, but you may be asking for more messages and help than what you bargained for. Either way it will all work out. It always does. Hope you all are ready as much as I am for d7.
'I am' This is my first time online to test a product out. I haven't been able to get any help with 6.1.6 I can't wait to delete that peace of CRAP!!!!
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