Dolphin 7.1.2 Released!

AlexT posted 9th of May 2013 in News. 12 comments.

Dolphin 7.1 is proving to be a success story and we are committed to strengthening it by a succession of service updates, like the one we are presenting today - Dolphin 7.1.2. As you may see in the list of improvements and fixes, this version has a list of very useful improvements and security fixes, so we strongly recommend upgrading your sites as soon as you can. 


What New in Dolphin 7.1.2



Enhancements for developers: 

  • New alerts in admin side:

        system - admin_db_backup_actions

        system - admin_db_backup_page

        system - admin_modules_actions

        system - admin_modules_page

        system - admin_templates_actions

        system - admin_templates_tabs

        system - admin_templates_blocks_add

        system - admin_menu

        system - admin_modules_buttons

        system - admin_modules_buttons

  • New injections in admin side, similar to injection is user side
  • New parameter for timeline/outline service method to filter data by module



  • #3098 Wrong encoding in some files was fixes
  • #3089 Members count in admin side was incorrect sometimes
  • #3101 Comment posting characters count didn't work sometimes
  • #3110 Checkboxes didn't work correctly in mailbox
  • #3113 Hardcoded bold style in mainmenu was removed
  • #3114 Nickname field was removed from profile edit page by default
  • #3116 Subscript didn't work in profile popup action
  • #3117 Popups windows overlapped, when one popup is called from another
  • #3118 Curl timeout was decreased
  • #3119 Profile info page could display incorrect data in submenu
  • #3130 External JS/CSS files wasn't loaded from HTTPS URL for secured sites
  • #3132 Typos
  • #3166 Missing translations
  • #3133 Categories and tags with spaced didn't display associated data
  • #3142 PHP Warnings in list_pop.php file could appear sometimes
  • #3150 Template files was incorrectly generated on particular server environment
  • #3152 Custom language wasn't applied in time picker control
  • #3158 New user notify for admin didn't work
  • #3159 CSS/JS cache could become broken sometimes
  • #3172 IE9 could crash on the form with non-latin characters
  • #3084 Profile Customizer: controls in themes block in admin panel didn't work
  • #3087 World Maps: location wasn't updated when user edited location related fields
  • #3088 Media modules: upload failed when url is restricted in Page Access Module
  • #3106 Media modules: double slash in album links
  • #3120 Media modules: flash embed code did't work locally
  • #3168 Media modules: admin couldn't play non-approved files
  • #3169 Media modules: tags cloud on module homepage didn't have limit of displayed tags
  • #3090 Forum: posts from private forum were visible in live tracker
  • #3091 Groups: many fans weren't manageable
  • #3092 Groups: fans actions didn't work when permalinks are off
  • #3093 Groups: broken paginate in fans block
  • #3095 Chat: apostrophes in name broke chat
  • #3097 ZIP search: google maps based geocoding didn't work
  • #3099 Timeline: content from non-active members was shown
  • #3121 Timeline: media posted to timeline wasn't viewable because of privacy
  • #3100 Facebook Connect: redirection to profile edit page didn't work
  • #3128 Payment: incorrect user info was displayed in history after user deletion
  • #3143 Payment: some associated content was left after profile deletetion
  • #3155 Flash: some unused files were deleted
  • #3167 Flash: old info in Chat and IM help section was removed
  • #3161 Avatar: set avatar didn't work sometimes
  • #3181 Avatar: non translated image title could appear
  • #3171 Blogs: membership checking in post view in mobile app was incorrect
  • #3174 Articles/News: 'page not found' wasn't shown for non-existing entries


Download Dolphin 7.1.2

Upgrade instructions - 7.1.1 to 7.1.2


Meanwhile, we are already working on our next "feature update" - 7.2, with some really useful and exciting improvements in works. Stay in touch and go get cracking with upgrading your communities!

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#3114 Nickname field was removed from profile edit page by default.
once inserted a Username in join , can no longer change ? but this is an ugly thing
create system , where admin choose for him site , to use username or realname.
I in my site I want to use only realname and instead are forced to choose to Usarname, and now I can not even make my users to choose when they want to change it
Nathan Paton
It says removed by default - it can be added back.
Has been upgraded successfully, thanks
Good work, thanks alot :-)
Update came in, just when I finished local update from 709 to 711,
so it's easy to go one step further now.
В админке версия в верхнем левом углу осталась 7.1 это так надо ? И кнопка смены дизайна внизу больше не исчезает если снять галочку в настройках Аllow users to choose templates. Где это можно поправить вручную ?
Сверху всегда пишется 7.1, но если версия устарела, то добавляется надпись, что нужно обновиться, еще текущую версию можно посмтотреть в Адмиской панели - Инструменты - Инструменты хостинга - Аудит.

Не могу воспроизвести проблему, кнопка из меню исчезает как положено.
Avast ругается на троян PHP:Agent-MN в BxDolProfileFields.php в архиве с патчем.
Это ложная тревога, мы уже написали в Avast по этому поводу.
just updated my test site, everything seems to work fine!
now its time to test all my modules against 7.1.2.

Thanks guys for your work!
Can i upgrade directly from 7.1.0 to 7.1.2? or do i need to go thru the 711 and then to 712? thanks
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.