music upload (File Zize chouldn't exceed 2MB) dolphin 6.1 ray problem

webster posted 3rd of May 2008 in Community Voice. 15 comments.
Im getting this error when user want to upload music it wive me this message File Zize chouldn't exceed 2MB
im using the new dolphin 6.1 with new ray, i change the max file zize at the admin panel but i keep getting the same error can some one help me please? you can test the error if you want just go to and registres cuz the index is in spanish.
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Are you changeing the settings in the advanced settings or in your ray plugin panel?
I've changed them in ray and still get the same error message, same with videos.
the settings in the advanced settings or in your no ray plugin panel
mee to same problem, but no option in advanced setting panel to change that
Same problem, restricted to 2mb, set 40mb in Ray control panel, still no change?
You have to creat a PHP.INI file to overwrite the servers restrictions.
At this adress you can take a look at my file. It is located in the RAY-directory.

Morten Danielsen
Fixed it for me, thanks MortenD for the post. :)
MortenD please give an example of how we should create the PHP.INI file.
search for php file in your file manger on your host for example or just search through your ftp program. Then you should download it edit these settings I found here.

I changed my settings to channeler1 "upload_max_filesize": 55M,

"post_max_size": 55M

"memory_limit": 55M
"max_input_time" : 600

"max_execution_time": 300

Reason being I have see more bandwith restriction or disk minimum people can upload as much as they want to my site and dowload as much so I up'd the Ante :).
For those that will visit this article and need help. Morten D mentioned what was actually needed. Which I was doing but my php file was in root document. i actually installed in the[]/ray/php.ini and reloaded music player and it took the file like a champ. This was kicking my but for awhile. Reggie you create a php file with notepad can work. Morten gave you the path to his.
I change it and added it every where which i taught it would work. I am not getting a error like "Error Uploading File". SOme thing to deal with the time out or some thing like that. Do u know where i can find that file so i can change it. I am actaully using a shared host. Its Free. I ask them to change it for me and they said they can't due to some security issuses. I still try do i my self. But wow. This sucks hard. I can
t fix it.
ray/global/app/files........change permission on ffmpeg.exe to 777
ray/global/chat/files......change files permission to 777
ray/global/app/files do the same
ray/global/app/im do the same
ray/global/app/movie do the same
ray/global/app/mp3 do the same
ray/global/app/music do the same
Change the "file" folder permissions on all of those to 777.

.htaccess file in the root folder -
From line 3 to line 14 put this there:

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_flag register_globals see more Off
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag allow_url_include Off
php_flag register_globals Off
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value post_max_size 20M
php_value output_buffering On
php_value max_execution_time 600000000
php_value max_input_time 700000000
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 14400000

You can change the size and time to what you want. It all worked for me and my site is fully functional.
I hope that helped.
Many thanks to Morten
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