Tutorial: How to format your Dolphin's images and fonts

Andrew Boon posted 14th of February 2012 in Dolphin.pro News. 8 comments.

And, now making it three in a row, yet another tutorial from ggsinc! This time it's about formatting images and fonts in Dolphin. In her own words: "I've had quite a few people ask me about the formatting images, fonts, etc. after I created my tutorial:http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/TutorialHowToWorkWithIconsAndImages - so here is a tutorial covering just that!"


So, if you find yourself occupaied with a task of chnaging Dolphin's images and fonts, save yourself some time and read this new tutorial.

Tutorial: How to format your Dolphin's images and fonts




And once gain, many thanks, ggsinc!





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I must say these notes or how to's are top notch. Only problem, most forum members do not read these notes.

Why don't ggsinc's wiki how to's get a sticky position in the forums under Tip and Tricks?
Not sure how much you're paying ggsinc, but pay her more!

Anyone showing not only this kind of commitment to Dolphin but this level thoroughness & general excellence should be commended, and paid.

ggsinc for President!
Andrew Boon
I agree, we should pay her more. :)
I am not sure if there is one, if not please have a separate Tab for Tutorials, which is really where this should be pasted. Else you will just loose it in the forum.

I mean how does one get to this page?
help --> Community Tutorials

its all there.
Darn, knew it must be somewhere. Thanks
I know you had to put a lot of time and effort into this and just wanted to say- THANK-YOU SO MUCH!
It's very helpful, and greatly appreciated.
You've helped me in the forums before and I want to thank you for that as well.
Absolutely Wonderful!
I would really like to know how to change the default man & woman thumbnails that come with dolphin to special created png images.
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