Hi James
well said.
i know some people dont like me, but sadly thats their loss.
i am a webmaster, i am not a programmer and never writen a single line of code in my life.
webmasters dont need to be programmer, they do need to know what they are doing with scripts and how to install them and change code and understand the knock on effect of changing code, and thats what i know.

people that proclaim to be programmers and ask basic questions in posts 2-3 weeks before, like "how do i set see more permissions?" or " i have this error code, why aint my site working?"
clearly are not who they claim to be.

my time is valuable and i give my time for free to anyone. yes even new members that have no idea about webmastering whatsoever, only i like to help when i have the time, so i ask people how much they know so i can judge if the 20 minutes i have spare, will be useful to them, or they need an hour, in which case i cant help them just now, as i dont have the hour just now.

so being told they are a programmer and starting the help (as it wont take more than the 20 minutes i have spare) i begin to explain the problem they have, and soon i find out they have no idea what i am talking about, this wastes my time, and their time, and its a loss of 20 minutes someone could have benefited from, in stead, someone lied to me and wasted my time.

thats what i have issues with, being lied to and wasting my time.

i am open, honest and to the point, (blunt in some cases) if people dont like that, fine, who cares? i sure dont.

Technoman didnt even have a dolphin site installed anywhere. yet he was the biggest critic of it, and he was trying to get the rest of the members to attack the 20 core members that hold this place together.

If the 20 core members that give the most advice on here, all walked, this place would fall in days."

people should keep that in mind. more so when you have the self proclaimed programmers as your only fall back if the 20 core members did walk away from here, remember, even programmers need to learn about dolphin before they can program anything for it.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.