nice post. you hit the nail on the head, and not just with users of any script, but with those who get on a resellar account, and think they are hosting providers. i have studied linux and hosting environments for the past 8 years, analyzing demographics and trends of web hosting. i know there were quite a few who made a good fortune on ebay selling ready made sites. WHY? because generally the person who would purchase such a site, lacks knowledge on how to put a site together,but even after the see more site is up and running, they dont know how to market the site, nor do they know how to maintain the site. i knew one fella specifically who couldnt clone the sites quick enough, and was selling them for $45.00 each, and selling thousands a day. this was back in 2001 or so. not only was he selling the ready made sites, mostly ecommerce type sites, but he was double dipping, as the sites are proprietary to his server, so you were stuck there paying his hosting fee, as well as paying for the domain that he registered and kept, because he registered, it was according to ICANN the rightful owner. i dont even know why i am rambling here. i do see that the number of posts has slacked off, and there appears to be nobody else interested in making application with boonex for the hostin tender.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.