This is definately a good thought and concept. I'm not here to complain. Unless I mis-understood this somehow...only problem I have is that it does affect other areas of the site. If I use

$site['title'] ='something very long and very descriptive and all that stuff';
$site['tinytitle'] = "";

What happens is some email related body, subject, admin panel login, admin panel top area by boonex dolphin logo and such is extremely long. If I made it really long than the display see more is very garbled in many places.

I did edit additional fields in to compensate for most of it, but I am still missing some. The admin login page, and some of the emails. I haven't looked into the site email admin area yet, but perhaps some of these could be changed or altered a bit to shorten them up and use your tinytitle thought.

What happens for me is in the message body which I did manage to correct but not check them all is something like:

Hello from

The ....of something very long and very descriptive and all that stuff

Is glad to inform you that....

Or something like that.

Definately worth the seo though, and I will edit it a bit in my spare time.

Yeah you are complicating a simple concept. Change "From" in email. Thats it.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.