I don't even know how to get points... lol

I am relatively new to the community and have already helped about 5 (ssh login, etc.) people getting their RMS working but not sure if I got points for that. I asked for some money and so far only one person paid me. But that's okay because I didn't require them to pay me before fixing their problem.

Here is how I would have done the pricing differently:
Dolphin, Orca, Ray, etc. 6.1.x - old pricing structure.
Dolphin 7 - new pricing structure.

and see more then pro rate upgrades from 6.1 to 7

But besides that, its still free.... sure there are some adds in places... But whatever.. If the developers can make money off of their script then the chances of them spending more time in fixing bugs and making improvements is much greater.

I do understand the frustration. I guess I didnt realize how many people are trying to do this themselves rather than be a worker bee for someone else that puts up the money..

I love that video by the way.. saw it off of digg or reddit a while ago...

Yes, this video is one of my faves and helps to put things in perspective about what an amazing time it is for us.

I think similar can be said about Web. The Internets is for realzzz! It is useful and many are seeing how it can be and has been used to accomplish great and good things.
Ya kernelpaniker

My love with Dolphin was at first sight, I learned lot at Boonex forum, but when trying to help ppl with free installation and free trial VPS, some1 called me SCAM, i was just surprised, but get some support too. Now I installed for 1, and 1 using my free VPS to learn Dolphin, hope will get some points. Feeling happy to be Dolphin Community Member and here i am growing daily with my learning.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.