and what to think of non-pofit organisations like the mines.. I do not get any money to hold a site in the air.
You do not expect Boonex to pay for your Nonprofit organization?
My main website is also a nonprofit organization and it goes under category
You do not expect Boonex to pay for your Nonprofit organization?
My main website is also a nonprofit organization and it goes under category/purpose 3. like yours..
I use a website without footers, it will work with footers aswell but I would for sure not have them there.
And I tried to tell if it was a trial system then I would for sure create several other websites but it is expensive because of that I do stick with my main site only. And I am sure many others would have created many,many more see more websites like that
I don't say that Boonex pay for us, but non profit organisation like ours don't make money of their sites. They are not sponsored by goverment and so on. They can't pay $760,00 thats what I mean. Kids care are going first then other stuff like this.

But I don't care if there is some banner or links to Boonex.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.