
With all due respect to Sammie who is sincerely trying to help us all out here, - We don't NEED moderators! We have tried moderators before and that didn't work. We can self-moderate!

I suggest that we remove the "Community Blogs" entirely from "PUBLIC" viewing at Unity. Let's not flash our dirty laundry before the masses any longer.
This practice has proven to be counter productive and bad for business.

We then allow "ALL POSTS" to be viewed exclusively see more and privately by each individual member on his/her "Unity Account Page", and finally we need to allow each individual the abilty to subscribe/unsubscribe to any Blog of their personal choosing.

I can't speak for James but I believe that James Tadeo is too important to this community to have his time consumed cleaning up our vomit. GOD (I think) has led James to us to illuminate our minds and lead us in the way of the Dolphin!

Anyway - Bottom Line - We need to confine these Blogs to private "Member's Only" viewing and we need the ability to "Screen" the Blogs.

Faithfully Yours,
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.