Forums badly needs a newby section, the ability to make some posts sticky eg announcements, wishlists etc (though this will happen when boonex moves over to dolphin 7).
Maybe also a dedicated mod section, pre-purchase section, wishlist,bug section maybe, also foreign languague sections eg russian, french, german, spanish etc...

And a lounge/off topic section just to chill :-) :-)
these are all the things we will look at and see what we can do to improve everything here.
I completely agree with you on this. A forum could have many separate sub-forums. This would greatly reduce the confusion as what's appropriate to post and where. Also, posts that are deemed to be in the wrong place could be moved to a better suited sub-forum. All the other forums I belong to have this kind of set up and it seems to work well.
I also concur - a noob section will help both noobs and experts alike
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.