JT, when you start a new blog entry, a window pops up with this text: "Unity Blog is the place to discuss problems...."

Perhaps everybody interprets that as: "The blogs are the place to post every frivolous little question about Dolphin that you can think of"

Maybe this would be a good time to change the wording on that popup window... as I suggested about 4 months ago?? People come to the blogs searching for all of those "My Dolphin don't work questions" and see more since there's a bunch of them here, they assume it's OK to post their own question. Everyone is treating this as a support forum because Boonex allowed it to happen.

If you are going to have a policy of no support questions in the blogs, you have to commit to that policy and move all of the posts that are obviously support issues, somewhere else, regardless of when they were posted. The "Answers' section is the obvious place... at least it is to me, because its a carbon copy of the blogs section.

Common sense really needs to prevail here. If I want to discuss something like Dolphin 7 core functionalities with other members, I really don't want the discussion buried by an avalanche of tiny support issues in 2 days time.

People can cry out all day long that "this is my own personal blog and I should be allowed to post whatever I want", but the rest of us have no choice but to look at it. Your blog here is a little different than blogs in the usuall sense. This is more like a single blog with multiple editors, and as such, all of those editors need to conform to a predefined set of guidlines. This is only common sense.

Some of us would like to use this section for what I know was it's intended purpose... the exchange of ideas. I for one, would like to do this without wading through all the muck that consistently appears on the blog home page, and cluttering the live tracker.
mnnn interesting point there regarding the pop up message.

I think there are definitely mixed messages from boonex reagarding the proper area for support

If you look at the unity main / home page - it says that the 'answers' section is for asking and answering questions, 'Blogs' are for sharing opinions and ideas and the 'Forums' are for discussions.


Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.