Moderator Notes: A Kind Reminder About Blog Posts & Questions

jtadeo posted 8th of June 2009 in Community Voice. 20 comments.

Hi Everyone :D

Just a reminder to those posting technical questions relating to Dolphin that it should be posted in the forums where other members will then be able to help you with your question(s).

Please do not post technical questions in the blogs. If your blog breaks a site rule it will be moderated. So take special care when posting and save your blog.

At this time, it is the current "rule" and to be sure there may be some questions, previous from June 1, 2009 that were left over and may not be part of the clean up.

Moderators at this time cannot actually delete a blog post. It is merely hidden. It is up to admins to finally decide if the blog should be deleted.

So if you've asked a question in the Blogs, please make a copy of it and post it in the forums section instead. Personally, if I'm not sure whether to hide it not, I will leave it as-is.

If you get a message from me regarding your blog post, please don't fret :) It's just a kind reminder to help organize the forum a bit more until a better solution is made available.

If you have a question regarding this post please PM me. Just click on my member name jtadeo.


N.B. This blog post will serve up other notations over time and may change.

Update - If you have a complaint about this arrangement please take it up with BoonEx. At this time, it is a rule that must be adhered to and I have to moderate according to the rules.

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The new "constitution" (community rules) is up, we should all read it.. I think the moderators should take the measures to impose the new rules.. - we had enough anarchy already :) so just apply the rules james, I'm sure we will all thank the moderators for that on the long run..

P.S. We need a BIGGER button to the constitution and it should be visible all the time, not hidden in the menu..
Yes - Show no mercy :D
I think it was DD, or was it you J (my memory's going LOL) that said something about leaving the questions up for 24/48 hours then hiding them after the member had time to shift it to the support forum. I think this is the way to go as it may give a confusing message that questions can go on the blogs if others are left up.


I still have my doubts. Telling people what they can't post (other than personal attacks or obscenities) means it really isn't their blog.
I agree with you here, I would also like to post anything I want on my blog.. but the "constitution" tells me something else.. we either respect it or change it..
Questions should be in the forums that is the rule right?
Well at this time it is one of the rules and we all need to abide by it. At this time, the reasons are not compelling enough to not moderate blogs that are more questions than anything else.

Rob, maybe you should make a blog stating your case. It just might help others to understand your reasons. As for me, if questions were allowed in blogs, it would make my job a lot easier :D

I really dont see what the problem is here, it silly the way people just wont follow the rules,or have to question site rules. i have a theory about this. Perhaps its difficult for us to shift back to being ordinary members while we are here when we are so used to making up the rules for our own sites. Seems plain to me that having questions in the blogs just wont work, most people dont bother searching the blogs, they only look at the front page so if everybody started posting question in here, see more it would be visible for only a few hours if that. Blogs arent about asking support question they never are, blogs are for idea's and peoples wafflings and thoughts. No such thing as support blogs, support forum yes, but blogs, no. i guess some of us simply dont like to be told what we can and cant do on somebody elses site with other people calling the shots. ;-)
Hit a nerve there did i, seems like it with the negative vote you just gave me. a comment would be nice to go along with it too.
I gave you the negative vote tyke - get a life - you have given me many. Since you are so into "rules" you should know there is no "rule" that people must "comment" if they give you a thumbs down (that apparently is a new made up "rule" by rule freaks). As long as this system exists, I have every right to have this tiny protest against people who support censorship. I also gave Jtadeo, the creator of this post and the moderator of this forum a thumbs down. see more Do you hear him whining?
Caltrade, i dont think there is any call to be so aggressive,with your get a life comment and so on. I wasnt bothered about the neg, just that there wasnt a comment to go with it. I really dont know why you take things so personally.

i have to say though,with respect of course, that your protest about a site having it rules is very odd. you have rules on your site, Yes? do you expect people to follow those rules, yes! what happens if they dont, you already said you delete them from your own site see more if they start causing you problems which is the right thing to do if they refuse to respect your rules.

let me ask you too, you must go to other sites besides your own and this one, dont you follow the rules of those sites then or just do what you want. I suspect you follow the rules because if you dont, you wont be a member very long.

Im not a rule freak coltrade, i am a professional global moderator and have been for years on and off, and i know for a fact that if a site doesnt have its rule then it gives a false impression that members can behave how they like, and we all saw what happens when that is allowed and it really isn't nice.

Now you can argue all you like, i have made my comment, one that i believe is correct and wont be making further comment on this matter concerning you.


The problem is the forums are hard to keep up with .. everything gets burried so maybe thats why people come to blogs to get a better chance at getting an answer to there question ?

We need something where if we reply to a forum or blog if 1 replies to what we replied to , something where we get emailed of a new reply, so on and so forth ?
It is called the answers section - the official support area of the site :)
yah it is part of the left columme, there is so much things placed all over its kinda hard to keep trac where everything is.

that is why a email once you reply and receceive a reply a email should be sent to allow us to know someone has commented to where we commented and on what thread
that functionality is in place. if the creator of the forum post will track that forum, when a response is written, they author or creator of the forum post is notified.
JT, when you start a new blog entry, a window pops up with this text: "Unity Blog is the place to discuss problems...."

Perhaps everybody interprets that as: "The blogs are the place to post every frivolous little question about Dolphin that you can think of"

Maybe this would be a good time to change the wording on that popup window... as I suggested about 4 months ago?? People come to the blogs searching for all of those "My Dolphin don't work questions" and see more since there's a bunch of them here, they assume it's OK to post their own question. Everyone is treating this as a support forum because Boonex allowed it to happen.

If you are going to have a policy of no support questions in the blogs, you have to commit to that policy and move all of the posts that are obviously support issues, somewhere else, regardless of when they were posted. The "Answers' section is the obvious place... at least it is to me, because its a carbon copy of the blogs section.

Common sense really needs to prevail here. If I want to discuss something like Dolphin 7 core functionalities with other members, I really don't want the discussion buried by an avalanche of tiny support issues in 2 days time.

People can cry out all day long that "this is my own personal blog and I should be allowed to post whatever I want", but the rest of us have no choice but to look at it. Your blog here is a little different than blogs in the usuall sense. This is more like a single blog with multiple editors, and as such, all of those editors need to conform to a predefined set of guidlines. This is only common sense.

Some of us would like to use this section for what I know was it's intended purpose... the exchange of ideas. I for one, would like to do this without wading through all the muck that consistently appears on the blog home page, and cluttering the live tracker.
mnnn interesting point there regarding the pop up message.

I think there are definitely mixed messages from boonex reagarding the proper area for support

If you look at the unity main / home page - it says that the 'answers' section is for asking and answering questions, 'Blogs' are for sharing opinions and ideas and the 'Forums' are for discussions.


I agree here with H.L, this site is confusing enough to begin with, and it really doesnt need making any more confusing, its a big site this with lots of different things going off all over the place. I always wondered what the Answer section was for, to me it should be made into a place for people questions that effects most of us, that have been asked in the support forum and have had a good solution that works, this way people can go into that section and search for the question and get an instant see more answer, This helps everybody get to where they want to be with their own sites much quicker and stops a lot of the frustration.

I also agree too with the policy of upholding the rules set out, its no good having rules if they arent going to be adhered to. Most members when they get it, will tend to stick to the rules and dont really mind, you always get some members though that go against the rules of any site simply to cause problems. All sites have rules, without exception, it would be nice if we didnt have to enforce them, but you do. If you dont you get something akin to road rage, people get behind their PC screens and turn into argumentative protesters causing havoc and bad feelings on site.

A good place to start would be to make it a lot clearer on the blog popup rather than relying on people to go read the blog rules.

I like these blogs you can learn a bit from here, like the blog at the moment " one login fits all" very interesting and something that i didnt think about before. If you get people posting "my dolphin dont work" questions in here every five minutes, that interesting blog will be gone in half an hour and most people wont get a chance to see it.which would be a shame.


I think or at least I have heard that the rules have changed a few times in the last x-many days. I honestly don't even know since when. And I really don't know what they are either anymore.

I think many are confused or not sure what is allowed, not allowed, or against the rules anymore.

Some signed up a long time ago when there were different terms or rules in place, and since they have been changed are not sure what the deal is anymore. Myself included.

Everyone and every site does need see more rules, but when they get changed and we don't know what they are or what they mean than people just post anything because honestly they don't know any better.

Maybe a mass mail to those that have registered a long time ago, or a little more details might be in order.

Paypal does this sometimes when you simply login to paypal after their terms have changed a box pops up and you really have to agree to it within a specific amount of time to continue using your account. If not I guess it does away with you. I don't know I need paypal so I have to agree and abide by their terms. But they do warn me and give me the option to opt out.

Anyway a world, a site, a job, or whatever without rules wouldn't be pretty. Whether one chooses to abide by them or not is another story.

Somebody has to enforce them!
glad to see you back in here and being with us. i hope all is well with you.

as for the rules, and rules changes, there were some changes, not anything that would lead one to believe that you can post support questions in the blog. i have just as james, been contacting those who come to the site, new or old, and have not read the rules of the blog. the popup comes up, and the automatically click the "i got it", and never read the rules, therefore, they chose to ignore see more the rules. i would like to see some other method of confirmation that a user has read the rules, just ticking a checkbox, doesnt mean they read, nor saw the first rule.

i say this from experience, as there have been many forums that i have joined, and even when you were forced to scroll all the way to the bottom of the rules as they were set out, i would not read them, and from time to time i have been reprimanded or my post deleted. when i thought i was in the right, and took the time to read the rules, i would find out that in fact i had violated the rules.

from the very beginning when boonex launched this site, i was one that was campaigning that support questions needed to be put in the forums.

other concepts i have mentioned is naming conventions for one who is seeking support for their site, and thread topics such as "my site is broken" or "i cant login" or "i need help" are not acceptable forum thread topics, and i have also seen where those who post under such a topic, start an onslaught of attacks because their post is not answered.

i know its not exact science, but i liken this to going to the doctor, well wait, lets go to a podiatrist, and complain about sleepless and restless nights. ha ha ha, now would one think they are going to be cured from this locale? some would, and we have to pray for those who have such simplistic conventions in their life.

the forums need work, i think they are plain, but then again, i have been around the internet since usenet, and have become accustomed to analyzing the precepts of the site that i am on, and what location i need to go to in order to get the help i need.

yes this was rambling, and that my friend is what a blog is for, as long as its not off topic.

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