I took a while to read this and try to understand, why it is that one person would have so much concern about anothers post, instead of focusing on their own posts. This topic is actually senseless, Caltrade, you posted this without having all the facts, and it appears you were more happy when there was drama and name calling, because now its non-existent, and you are continuing to post on topics that are neither healthly for the community, no factual in its presentation. I must say, i personally see more do not agree with certain forms of censorship, and censorship is not what has gone on on this site. Please read the definition of censor according to

  /ˈsɛnsər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sen-ser] Show IPA
1. an official who examines books, plays, news reports, motion pictures, radio and television programs, letters, cablegrams, etc., for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds.
2. any person who supervises the manners or morality of others.
3. an adverse critic; faultfinder.
4. (in the ancient Roman republic) either of two officials who kept the register or census of the citizens, awarded public contracts, and supervised manners and morals.
5. (in early Freudian dream theory) the force that represses ideas, impulses, and feelings, and prevents them from entering consciousness in their original, undisguised forms.

Now let's look at moderation as described from

  /ˈmɒdəˌreɪtər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mod-uh-rey-ter] Show IPA
1. a person or thing that moderates.
2. a person who presides over a panel discussion on radio or television.
3. a presiding officer, as at a public forum, a legislative body, or an ecclesiastical body in the Presbyterian Church.
4. Physics. a substance, as graphite or heavy water, used to slow neutrons to speeds at which they are more efficient in causing fission.

Caltrade, there is a significant difference between moderation and censorship, and i just wanted to include these two definitions so you could take a moment and try to decipher those absolute differences. As james has stated, the blog that was started in regards to sharing mods, was removed upon request, and i really dont see where this is something that should be of your concern if its not directly related to you. If you had a concern about that post, it would have been easier and more beneficial to you and this community if you had contacted jtadeo or myself, or the original author of that post to find out the facts.

Now to get to the post where you say you wasted 45 minutes. again, james hit on that, if you knowing there are rules posted by BoonEx, and the user you are compiling the answer for is in violation of one of those rules, you could very well have taken your compiled data, posted it in the forum under the appropriate topic, and kindly done two things.

1. answered on the blog post that the forum is used for technical support questions and as such you have taken the liberty to create the forum thread and have produced an answer based on your diligent research.
2. kindly contacted the author of the blog and informed them that as a new member they may not be aware of certain rules and provide them with a link to the Constitution as written by the owners of this site, and also provide a link to the forum thread you kindly created in your attempt to provide assistance.

You should not have posted an answer in the blog that was malformed, and in violation of a rule, that was your mistake, and the post was taken down. Caltrade, that is not censorship, that is moderation.

I understand there are many who choose not to read the rules, and in making that choice, knowingly or inadvertently they may breach the agreement between the user and the site owner, and in doing so that content will be removed from the inappropriate location.

At any rate Caltrade, I spent 45 minutes finding this information to provide to you as well. The blogs are not for technical support questions. If you would help comply with that simple rule, it would be better on all concerned.

This topic was "senseless"? I'm sorry you think that. What about your recent post about Dolphins becoming the official marine mammal of North Carolina, or whatever? That one was blasted at us in ALL CAPS (violation of section 2.5 "Excessive use of capitalization") What about the time I wrote a private message expressing concern about your double teaming in an attack on another member, and you responded with an obscenity laced response that somehow bizarrely concluded that see more I must be an Obama supporter (though I have never mentioned American politics on the forum). That private message was used to avoid participating in a drama, not to create it.

I lost interest in the forums when I saw you admonish someone for straying off topic. I was even more shocked when I saw you recommending your own hosting service there without mentioning that you are the owner. If you are that into enforcing the rules they should apply to you also.
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