The line between the forum and the blog is not only clear, it also makes sense. The problems are elsewhere:

(1) Currently the moderation is hampered by the lack of appropriate tools, and the list of forum topics is incomplete (as a result, it is not obvious and easy for people where to drop their forum posts into and to search the forum). Boonex recognises this, and will be addressing this once D7 is out of the way (ie released).

(2) Then there's the blog area -- there are two problems see more here: (a) people have different ideas of where/what the boundaries are in terms of being appropriate topics; and (b) blatant misbehaviour and unprofessionalism by some members when they respond to blog posts (eg mis-using the voting system to spite people they dislike; personal attacks; profanities; bickerings).

There are no clear rules right now as to what is "in" and what is "out" for the blogs. In a way this is good because it allows people to be really imaginative with their blog posts/comments. But just as an example of just how fuzzy (at least to some people's minds) the boundaries are:

I sent a PM to one member recently to pinpoint something which I didn't think was a community-related issue at all (although the issue came up in relation to a blog post/comment). But, guess what, instead of responding to me by PM in return, she posted her response as a comment on the blog post! Why drag the whole community into something that was purely between her and me? It's a question of judgment, in the end.

As for (b), the boundaries are NOT fuzzy at all. It's too bad that some of these were allowed to breath life here before. But now we have Moderators (Hello, James! Hello, DosDawg!) to turn the oxygen off on them baddie posts/comments.

Mis dos centavos!
tenzens, you are correct in some respect here, there are those who have in the past posted whatever they felt they wanted to. i would not agree with the rules are unclear on what is tolerable on the blogs? i do agree that some peoples choices of expression, where not at all times professional, it is their opinion, and we can leave it at that, which makes us all individuals. there are others who are offended by the slightest of taunts, they get their feelings hurt and then they lash out, and in most see more cases, because this is a close knit community barring all that is perceived, the agression of one turns into a cat fight, which turns ugly. the blogs in my opinion, and based on the rules, are for posting informatives, and we have had those same type of blogs removed from here and i personally asked why or who removed them, but there was no answer. it was not the nominated moderators you guys have put into this position to look out for the best interest of the community. however, please understand, we are not the only ones who have this access, the admins have the access to remove the blog posts completely, and because it was immediately after james and i were assigned our post, we took the brunt of the accusations.

i have removed a few posts, but we can only hide them, the admins are supposed to review the post and determine if it i appropriate for the site.

of course with all the hustle that is going on with D7 maybe they just dont have the time to mess with the blogs and forums at this current time.

at any rate, thank you largely for the kind words, and we are here to moderate for each and every one of the members of this community. not based on our beliefs or what we think is appropriate, but based on the rules, and common morals.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.