In reply to D7 Update
Thanks for the udate!

I for one realize how much of a delay the cleansing of Unity caused. There was also the attempt at updating D6 during that same time frame.

I think that a 07-08-09 release would be a remarkable accomplishment considering what Unity has gone through recently.

Although I am very excited to work with the FFD7b I also realize that it will be just that; BETA and not something that I expect I will take live with membership within minutes (or maybe even weeks or months) of see more downloading.

I really appreciate the opportunity to work with the betas because I enjoy it and it's an opportunity to learn, but I understand what FF beta means and temper my expectations accordingly.

I think a lot of the unwarranted negativity comes from unrealistic expectations.

Take the Alpha release as an example:

Victor stated very plainly that it was Alpha meant only to give us a view of the admin panel and not subject to upgrade and certainly not ready for prime time as a live site with members.

Yet I still saw many posts from people complaining this or that didn't work.

Anything worth having is worth waiting for.

Thanks again Andrew for the update.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.